I’ll Bet He Wouldn’t Say That Now

Things don’t change; we change.
—Henry David Thoreau

Even Duo knows better than that.

After I read that quote by Thoreau I was amused to read this in Duolingo,

Normalmente, las personas y los lugares cambian con el tiempo. Nada permanece igual.



Normally, people and places change over time. Nothing stays the same.

Isn’t that the truth! And the changes seem to be coming faster and faster.

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18 Responses to I’ll Bet He Wouldn’t Say That Now

  1. That translation is so true and sometimes change is good, sometimes it is not.

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I totally agree, time is racing!! Isn’t it funny how time seems to go faster and faster the older we get. There is actually a scientific reason for this! I read it years ago. But of course I now forget what it is, due to time racing…

  3. Bruce Taylor says:

    I am doing Duolingo now too and I translated the above correctly before I looked at your answer!!!

  4. Myra+G. says:

    I’ve found resisting change is pointless (and not a little painful). Better I tighten my seatbelt and embrace the ride.

  5. The OP Pack says:

    Change is inevitable, and in so many ways. How many times a day have I said, remember when we could do it this way and now we have THIS. Some change is good and some I wish never happened.

  6. Rose says:

    I know change happens to us and around us…some good, some bad. And there are positive things and negative things to most of them

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    I agree with the second quote. Change is inevitable. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. You just have to learn to go with the flow.

  8. MadSnapper says:

    I am agin them all too. I wonder what he was thinking when he said things don’t change. everything changes, even inanimate objects, they rot, dry out, rust etc… and the one in Spanish I can say amen to that

  9. True, things are changing too quickly.

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