Do you remember the rain predicted for yesterday? I took this picture at 5:51 p.m. to show that it hadn’t happened.
But I looked out again at 6:03 and saw this:
We had gotten a few drops. It reminded me of the old New Mexico saying,
We had a foot of rain. The drops were 12 inches apart.
It had mostly evaporated by 6:53.
I do love my bedroom window!
May 11, 2024
and the court lads are good to look at from your window – shooting hoops and having some fun.
Yes. 🙂
I love the foot of rain saying..I have never heard it before.
I wish I had a view out my bedroom window, mine is in the living room and I have to share the view with Bob. ha ha.. I hope I can remember this about 12 inches apart… we have had 3 of those 12 inches in the past 6 months, just like yours, could hardly tell it was damp….
I looked at the drought map and you are abnormally dry. People like us appreciate rain.
You do have a nice view from that window. And by the way, I am still doing my very best to avoid being eaten by a crocodile…
That was sure a speedy raincloud!
(I love the view from your window, too.)
Love that saying. That’s one I’ve never heard before.
That’s crazy! I guess some is better than none.
We got a bit more Saturday. 🙂
Love that 12 inches of rain HA!