A Mystery

Usually our parking lot is more empty on weekends, but not yesterday.

When Andy came home he noticed some activity in the basketball court and picnic area:

The guys played soccer until their families arrived. Then everyone had cake, presumably to celebrate a birthday.

We thought a lot of the cars would leave when the party was over, but when a couple of spots opened up they filled up again. I checked around midnight and the cars were still there. It’s a mystery. (So much for news here!)

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21 Responses to A Mystery

  1. MadSnapper says:

    I thought the basketball court would be for the residents of the apartments. does this mean anyone can use it? maybe a celebration/memorial day picnic? i would not be happy until I figured out what for and why.. ha ha… I might have even went out there to ask someone.

    • Jean says:

      I assumed one of the resident’s had a birthday party for their child and invited all their friends. All they had was cake.

  2. It’s like a cartoon.

    God bless.

  3. Rose says:

    Maybe it was a family reunion…since it is a long weekend when everyone could come.

  4. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …a birthday party makes sense for me.

  5. Christine says:

    They were having fun.

  6. That must be some party with all those cars!

  7. Myra+G. says:

    I love to see folks of all ages having fun together! Maybe they brought sleeping bags and camped out in the living room?

  8. That is a mystery! Looks like it was a nice day for their party.

  9. Ginny Hartzler says:

    It is because of Memorial Day weekend. Everywhere around here, cars are parked all over the place. People are visiting and having cookouts.

  10. Ann Thompson says:

    Maybe people had overnight guests? That definitely looks like a nice place to have a party.

  11. just a few days ago, someone said “there are more cars in our collective car parks than a weekday” wonder what is going on and in which building…

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