My Kind of Pup

I love the way the pup falls backwards into the fellow’s arms. (Click on the picture.)

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12 Responses to My Kind of Pup

  1. Ginny Hartzler says:

    That’s so cute. It’s like he can’t wait to take a nap with him.

  2. Shug says:

    He wanted his comfort place. He just fell right into it like “this is my spot!”

  3. tomthebackroadstraveller says:

    …a cuddler.

  4. Melody Jacob says:

    That moment is so heartwarming! You can really see the trust between the pup and the person. It’s those simple, joyful moments that make life so special. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. The OP Pack says:

    Oh my goodness, that is just precious. And it doesn’t look like it is the first time the pup has done that. An everyday moment of love.

  6. Bruce Taylor says:

    That is one spoiled dog! :*)

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