Poor Baby

Ground Squirrel

Golden-mantle Ground Squirrel
Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren. CC license.

A poor ground squirrel brought material into the truck to build a nest for winter, and he eventually got zapped. I wish he had tried somewhere else.

The total rodents zapped so far is

rats in truck 14
rats in well house 7
mouse (in truck) 1
ground squirrel (in truck) 1

I think life is so sad sometimes. 😥

Yes, I know. A lot of people would probably think I was crazy, but that’s the way it is.


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8 Responses to Poor Baby

  1. Rummuser says:

    Collateral damage as was famously said!

  2. bikehikebabe says:

    No big deal. 😀 That picture is an eastern ground squirrel. Our western ground squirrels are an ugly gray.

    • bikehikebabe says:

      I LOVE YOU CheerfulMonk. You’re what keeps me cheerful 😀 but not all the time. 🙁

    • Jean says:

      The golden-mantled ground squirrels are found in the mountainous areas of the American West. Click here for images.

      It’s okay to be sad sometimes. No one said being cheerful was always easy.

    • bikehikebabe says:

      Now I remember. I found a little mouse caught in our mouse trap by a leg. I was very upset. I had a workman here let him go & I couldn’t even bare to see how Mouse was doing after that.

  3. nick says:

    What a shame, I love squirrels, they’re my favourite animal. But I do know they can also be a wretched nuisance – stealing bird food, chewing through electricity cables etc. As you say, what a shame he (or she?) hadn’t chosen a different nesting-site.

  4. Alan G says:

    Your ground squirrel reminds me of my love for squirrels in general before I became a home owner. Now I detest grey squirrels and prefer to refer to them as “tree rats”. When they become mischievous and damaging the whole context of ‘cute little critter’ changes! 🙂

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