Connecting, Building Memories

We have long telephone chats with my daughter every Sunday evening, and last Sunday my daughter was telling me about the winter displays at the Chicago Botanic Garden. We both wished my husband and I had a magic carpet to come and see it with her and Torben.

They get a season pass each year and go there often. The four of us always go when Andy and I visit, and she and Torben were married there.

wedding picture

My husband loves model trains so when we visit we see the Model Railroad Garden. It has 17 trains (1/29th the size of full scale trains) on 1,600 feet of track. The tracks go over trestles and through tunnels and miniature gardens and around representations of some of America’s landmarks. It’s a fun place to visit for the little kids in us.

So the part of the garden that my daughter was most enthusiastic about was the Wonderland Express. They had moved the miniature trains inside, into the very room where Kaitlin and Torben were married. I wanted to share the experience with her and even though modern technology hasn’t come up with a magic carpet for Andy and me, it has provided a substitute. I went online while Kaitlin was talking and found this video:

It was a great way of sharing, reinforcing old memories and creating new ones.

What about you? What new memories are you creating?

Thanks to Rummuser, David, Cathy, Evan, gaelikaa, Ursula, bikehikebabe, Rocky and suzen for commenting on last week’s post.
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14 Responses to Connecting, Building Memories

  1. tikno says:

    A wonderful post to reinforce the love sense
    .-= tikno´s last blog ..The inner voices when I am get old =-.

  2. Jean says:

    I have to admit I don’t understand people who like to focus on bad memories from the past, memories that keep them feeling deprived. I would much rather spend my time creating new ones that feed the soul.

  3. gaelikaa says:

    Holidays and festivals are a good way to create nice memories for yourself and your children. It is really sad that my children lost their grandfather on new year’s day this year. I sincerely hope that this does not blight their enjoyment of new year’s day in future….I’ll try to make sure it doesn’t….
    .-= gaelikaa´s last blog ..Grail Quest – A Thousand Year Old Legend =-.

  4. Rummuser says:

    Jean, the memory bank that I am creating now to serve me in my future is one that essentially draws on relationships made via blogging. There are some which have transcended the blogsphere and become personal friendships through email, skype, phone calls etc and it is amazing how strong those friendships/relationships have become. Some new ones too are in the making and I am sure that I will have plently to draw on when I am a doddering old coot.
    .-= Rummuser´s last blog ..Four Idiots. =-.

  5. suzen says:

    Hi Jean! What a delightful experience in that video! I love to see the awe and excitement of the kids – lets bottle that! I haven’t been to the gardens in years, but used to sketch there. It is a great place to go this time of year to get out of our frozen tundra! Thanks for sharing!
    .-= suzen´s last blog ..2012 Curious =-.

  6. Jean says:

    My guess is they will do just fine. Presumably they have enough happy memories of being with him that you can all share together. I loved my mother deeply but mostly didn’t miss her when she passed away. She was a part of me and I remember all the happy times.

    Yes, the internet is a wonderful place for us lazy oldsters. I wouldn’t even say I’m not already a doddering old coot. It doesn’t matter. I’m having fun. 🙂

    Yes, the video was fun. My inner little kid is still full of awe and excitement. When people ask me what I’m doing I say enjoying my second childhood even more than my first. There are advantages to being a doddering old coot!

  7. Ursula says:

    Jean, you ask “what memories are you creating”? Loads.

    Sometimes the tiniest gesture creates an everlasting memory. Also, since I like to lift the carpet and look underneath it: Memories are creating me.

    As to bad ones (and remembering them): They are part of us and shouldn’t be denied.


  8. Jean says:

    “Memories are creating me.” That’s the exciting part. We’re always changing and can influence that change a lot by the memories we create.

    I’m not advocating denying old memories but reinterpreting what they mean can be powerful.

  9. tikno says:


    I also don’t understand why?

    But the good or bad memories has been part of our life. The time will make both of them as the stored archives. Both of them maybe can be used as the fun stories for our children with laugh when we get old.

    I have a bad memory when I got an accident on the street when I were young. Some day, I will tell my children that I got it is because I look at a beautiful woman, lol
    .-= tikno´s last blog ..The inner voices when I am get old =-.

  10. Jean says:

    On the other hand, you can start telling that story now. Why wait for your children. 😉

  11. cathy in NZ says:

    I don’t have a SO or children to provide memories for but I do have a great friend of long-time.
    Of course, there have been times where our friendship has waned or strayed and we have gotten angry with one another but
    recently, we have found our friendship again and we go out on day trips around Auckland, a lot more since he got his SuperGoldCard which allows free travel after 9am weekdays and all day w/ends. Whilst, I’m free of studies we have been going at least once a fortnight…
    Today: because i’m out here at Wood Bay and there are less bus services we had to tailor it to me! So we didn’t go very far from New Lynn. We went further West to Henderson which includes a Mall, street shops, the new library, a stream that is tidal that runs up past the swimming complex. It was a nice change to just go one stage bus ride and check out a different area.
    The main goal besides going to have lunch down by the stream was to check out the new library – a good range of books including books for the local Unitec teritary education facility books (only to be taken out by students) but plenty of light airy spaces to study if one wanted right there.

    One of the reasons we are getting to be better friends is because we are older!
    .-= cathy in NZ´s last blog ..oops missed out Monday! =-.

    • Jean says:

      “One of the reasons we are getting to be better friends is because we are older!” I’m not surprised. Our priorities tend to shift when we get older. We realize how important relationships are and don’t let little things get in the way. Thanks for pointing that out. 🙂

      I’m so glad you’re enjoying your vacation.

  12. tikno says:

    I’ve telling you before my children 🙂
    .-= tikno´s last blog ..The inner voices when I am get old =-.

  13. Jean says:

    Yes you are, and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you. 🙂

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