bikehikebabe told me about this video. The little otter resisting his swim lesson reminds me of the many times I dragged my feet over learning some new life lesson. Have you ever felt that way?
bikehikebabe told me about this video. The little otter resisting his swim lesson reminds me of the many times I dragged my feet over learning some new life lesson. Have you ever felt that way?
I do it all the time. Tom tries to teach me computer lessons. He starts way above me, no foundation. I never get it. He’s patient, I’m not. But his explanations are way over my head. I’m busy & there are more satisfying things to do. Lesson over!
It’s nice to have a choice, isn’t it? The poor baby otters need to learn to swim and dive if they’re going to survive later in life.
Oh yes indeed. When computers were first introduced, I thought that the whole thing was silly and my secretary would handle it. I had to be taken screaming and wailing to learn to use it.
The main thing I appreciate learning from others is a foreign language. You have to be dragged along and you won’t get it right without the help of someone who is already fluent.
Other than that, I will keep the video in mind the next time I try to teach my wife how to swim!
I think my main problem is that I’m scared that it won’t get into my head/brain whatever I’m supposed to be learning and putting down at the exam/test/whatever.
This last week, I went to see one of my lecturers about the forthcoming essay. As soon as she saw me at the door she assumed: “have you come to see me about the test?”
I said “no, the essay”…and we moved on. Once I have done a exam/test – it is done. Not much point in turning back the clock – just a point of moving forward. In actual fact, some people seem to be able to look at lecture notes and know what they did wrong – I can usually not recall!
I’m learning to ‘swim’ with a much different challenge right now as I have a project for Music182 where I have to be a fictional person doing something musical and producing a Press Release! I’ve now started some ‘fictional lyrics’ and that has been quite fun as such…
I am using a recent life experience to do this. I might put it up on my webpage journal if it looks OK after I am done. It’s not what people expect me to DO!!
A lot of us are glad they insisted you learn to use the computer!
Good luck in teaching your wife to swim. I hope she’s as good natured as the bay otter. Otherwise you might be in trouble. 🙂
At the moment I’m reviewing…learning more about…ancient history via The Teaching Company. I love that period and am glad I don’t have to take tests or write essays about it.
That would be fun if you could put your results on your web site. 🙂