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12 Responses to Curiosity

  1. tammy j says:

    that’s all.
    you’re the best.
    if there’s some deep meaning here I don’t even think I want to know it.
    I can’t quit laughing.

  2. Cathy says:

    I’m giggling here ?
    I came back for another look and am still chuckling!

    Do you mind if I pinch this for my Friday Fun post?


    • Jean says:

      I’m glad you liked it too. It’s not mine to give permission — it comes from, so it’s only fair to credit them.

  3. definitely fun AND i CAN relate…although I wasn’t trying to find out if the sandwich toaster maker could bounce…

    i wasn’t exactly in a hurry, I still had 10minutes up my sleeve to get the bus but I had parked something on top of the s/maker gadget (something I do regularly, no problems) and of course the gadget was on a flat surface…

    BUT when go “bang” and onto the floor about a metre away – you expect a busted gadget. I placed it on the bench so that when I would come home, I could plug it in

    IT STILL WORKS!!! well the little light that comes on, came on…and it doesn’t appear to be broke…

  4. Ursula says:

    Yes, my motto. Never ever give up. Yet “curiosity”, or so the saying goes, will kill the cat, eventually.


    • Jean says:

      Hurray for human curiosity and creativity, I say. I love my long lifespan, internet, computers, and air conditioning. They wouldn’t exist without curiosity and creativity. Even as a kid I never understood why Adam and Eve were punished for eating of the tree of knowledge.

  5. .Rummuser says:

    In this case it would not kill the cat but the goblets surely!

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