Have you ever disregarded advice when you shouldn’t have? I can’t remember times like that, but I do remember following advice from so-called experts that turned out to be a mistake.
May 17, 2023
Have you ever disregarded advice when you shouldn’t have? I can’t remember times like that, but I do remember following advice from so-called experts that turned out to be a mistake.
May 17, 2023
oh I have had a lot of those “experts” in my life – and wish I could have stopped before the first huddle!
the most recent one: I was just thinking of my once best friend, who bullied me for decades and then suddenly I snapped when it got overwhelming to a point where I hated any car noise coming down our driveway, uninvited…because whatever I was doing at that precise moment “would not be good for me (her thoughts)” – I haven’t even spoken to/seen her this year, although she is on my fb page and occasionally comments…
I do follow “advice” but often I don’t because I tend to work with my “Personal Flow” …
I remember you talking about her. I’m glad she’s not bothering you now.
Since I am famous for doing what someone tells me not to do, and know everything about everything, with the way I do things, the best way to do them, I am sure I have disregarded almost all advice given me for most of my life. I can’t seem to think of an example right now. it will come to me AFTER I click publish.
Sandra! Just sitting here with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! You just made my day!
This is too funny! Well, of course I have disregarded advice from my Mom, who hasn’t? And probably from others as well. Like the well-meaning friend who wanted us to go on a cruise. NOT!
Andy and I are agreed, no big cruises! 🙂
I used to totally disregard my parent’s advice … only realizing years later how smart they were. These days I take others’ advice (expert or not) with a grain of salt.
Exactly like the poor guy in your cartoon. I never think a cat can turn from a lolling creature into the creature from the black lagoon instantly!
I’m with you. I don’t trust cats!
Yes, I’ve ignored advice in the past. Sometimes it turned out well and other times not so much.
I am sure I have done that many times over the years, but my husband is notorious for not taking good advice. And then I have to bite my tongue not to say “I told you so”:)
I can remember one time buying a vacuum cleaner and Roger did not want me to..and he was NOT one to say no, you don’t need that. .he did not say much and just said if i must have it, go ahead and get it. I ended up hating the thing…it was a big brand name, and to use the hose, you had to take the head off that was for carpet….it had a bag that you took off and emptied. Total pain in the behind.
That’s always frustrating. We’ve all done things like that.