Not My Favorite Season

I tend to wilt in the heat and this was the temperature one minute after midnight yesterday morning. We have an air conditioner in our living room, and at night we cool off the other rooms by opening the windows and using fans. I know some people have it a lot worse, but for us this is warm for sleeping.

On the other hand, we’re handling it well. I always immerse myself in some project in the summer to help me ignore the heat, and this summer Spanish is an ideal one to keep my spirits and enthusiasm up.

What’s your least favorite season and what do you do to keep your spirits up?

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14 Responses to Not My Favorite Season

  1. because we have “4 seasons in one day” – that can be tiring

    because I don’t own a car, I often feel worse if I’ve to trudge some place – either getting hot and sticky or cold and damp. Which usually equates to high summer and mid winter…as my “not favourite season/s”

    but as a retiree, I don’t have to BE out there, if I don’t wish to be. Although, for my mental health I do need to be OUT there…

    rather I’d like to say I prefer late summer/early autumn – as it’s an even temperature…

  2. MadSnapper says:

    July/august/sept are my dreaded months of the year. I always wish i had a cabin retreat on a mountain somewhere, but not your mountain, that would be to hot.

  3. Myra Guca says:

    I, too, loathe the Summer months. There’s no getting around it, so I try to get all my running around/chores done before 8 or 9am. I even thought about doing a “Christmas in July” and put up our tree — but worry too much what people would think.
    We endure …..

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I like the spring and fall. But I have to sleep in a fairly cold bedroom.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Winter would be my least favorite season. I hate to be cold and those winter months seem to last way too long. I suppose crafting is always the best way to keep my spirits up.

    • Jean says:

      Winters aren’t bad here but in Ithaca, NY they lasted from the end of October to sometime in May. I’m guessing you have something like that?

  6. Linda Sand says:

    Winter is slip and fall season here so I simply stay home cuddled up with a blanket and a book.

    Last winter, on a very cold day, a friend slipped and hit his head knocking himself out. His Apple Watch noted the fall and his lack of response and called 911. His watch saved his life?!!!

  7. Bruce Taylor says:

    Winter and I ignore it.

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