What's Your Sign? Are You Sure?


The Grizzwells

The Grizzwells

The Born Loser

Do you believe in horoscopes? I don’t. Have you ever had fun reading yours, or finding out what personality type you supposedly are? I have. I like being a Sagittarius. We’re supposed to be

  • Philosophical–one of my main concerns in high school was figuring out my philosophy of life
  • Optimistic–not a complete fit, I’m more of a cheerful pessimist, but it’s close enough, and
  • Experimental–that fits, I like to play around and try new things. One of my favorite quotes is Emerson’s, “Don’t be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.”

So when I read about the furor that the system might be revised because of changes in the earth’s alignment, I did check to make sure I would still be a Sagittarius. I would have been, but it turns out the horoscopes and signs in the West won’t be affected. If they had been a lot of people would have had different signs:

Old: March 21 – April 19
New:April 18-May 13

Old: April 20 – May 20
New: May 13-June 21

Old: May 21 – June 20
New: June 21-July 20

Old: June 21 – July 22
New: July 20-Aug. 10

Old: July 23 – Aug. 22
New: Aug. 10-Sept. 16

Old: Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
New: Sept. 16-Oct. 30

Old: Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
New: Oct. 30-Nov. 23

Old: Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
New: Nov. 23-Nov. 29

Old: N/A
New: Nov. 29 – Dec. 17

Old: Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
New: Dec. 17-Jan. 20

Old: Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
New: Jan. 20-Feb. 16

Old: Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
New: Feb. 16-March 11

Old: Feb. 19 – March 20
New: March 11-April 18

I was amused that I even bothered to check. Would you have cared? Do you know anyone who would have?

Thanks to bikehikebabe, Mike, rummuser, Looney, Ursula and Cathy for commenting on last week’s post.
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20 Responses to What's Your Sign? Are You Sure?

  1. Evan says:

    Apparently I’ve moved from Aries to Pisces.

    Western astrology has never worked really for me. Flying nine star (Chinese – used in feng shui) gets me right in some ways I think (I’m a 519).

  2. rummuser says:

    In the new scheme of things, my son and I both old Cancerians have moved to being Geminians! Geminians are supposed to be split personalities!

    No, I do not believe in horrorscopes. I however appreciate the Chinese system. In that, I am a sheep. I think that I will blog about it!

  3. Mike Goad says:

    Even with such a change and even if your fortune was impacted by outside influences, it wouldn’t have made a difference because those outside influences were still there. All that would have changed is how astrologers interpret those influences.

  4. bikehikebabe says:

    Pisces is often associated with music, dance, and drama. That fits. My major was music (organ). I like dance better. Have joined several dance groups. And I’m a drama queen.

  5. Jean says:

    I tried Googling flying nine star but couldn’t figure out what 519 was. Could you tell us more?

    Geminis are supposed to be:
    Adaptable and versatile
    Communicative and witty
    Intellectual and eloquent
    Youthful and lively

    What’s there not to like about that?

    I don’t believe in astrology but I do enjoy being a Sagittarius. If they had switched me to something that didn’t seem to fit I would have been slightly annoyed. For me it’s like the Easter Bunny, just because I don’t believe doesn’t mean it’s not fun.

    It is fun when a description seems to fit, isn’t it? I like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Enneagram even more. They’ve both given me insight about other people. My guess is their descriptions fit more people. As Evan says, western astrology doesn’t seem to fit him.

  6. Evan says:

    It’s the magic square (where all straight lines of a 3×3 grid fill with the numbers 1-9 add to 15) laid over the octagon – that octagon with the mirror in the middle that you see outside Chinese shops.


    The numbers are to do with the year then month of birth – and then shifting the numbers around on the grid to get the third one. The mean roughly – the first one is gift, the second the challenge, the third our main way of responding.

    Look for the octagon on this page – it introduces the meanings of the numbers and their positions.

  7. Ursula says:

    Bloody hell, Jean: It’s only 0623 hrs GMT. I ventured over to yours for diversion, now I have to think before I can possibly answer your question. Then I learn that Ramana is a goat – so very unfortunate since I am partial to goats.

    That BHB is a drama queen hardly comes as a surprise to me – I grew up with one. To be fair, drama queens do give you value for your childhood (and later) pains. One thing I can vouch for: Drama queens might blow up a limp excuse of a bit latex into a magnificent balloon before bursting the bubble but give a drama queen a REAL crisis and they will rise to the challenge magnificentally, like phoenix from the ashes.

    I myself will now rise from sofa (I have already brushed my teeth just in case you were wondering) and tackle that wonder of chemistry, warmth and determination called baking. The result of which to be served in best French tradition for breakfast when his highness, that’s my son, and his friends see fit to rise.

    I only mention the baking because I believe that a cook’s state of mind leaves a distinct imprint on how his offerings turn out and are received. So, Jean, should this morning’s effort be received with less than favourable results the only person I can, and will, blame is you for infiltrating my mind with STARS in my eyes.

    Will report back once I’ve cracked the eggs and got my head round your most unscientific question.


  8. Jean says:

    Thank you. I still don’t understand it but at least I’ve been introduced.

    Let us know how it turns out. If the results are less than favorable I’m happy to be a scapegoat.

    My question is unscientific? It is not scientific but neither is it unscientific. Science isn’t the opposite of myth…they’re in different dimensions of life. I believe Karen Armstrong calls them mythos and logos. They don’t contradict one another. How boring would it be if we couldn’t celebrate the Easter Bunny? And Bunny Basket Eggs?

  9. Jean says:

    Actually I’m not as interested in the theory as what it says about you and your life. Why is it a good fit for you?

  10. Evan says:

    The 5 (yin – the earth which receives and then transforms all things) describes my propensity for chewing through stuff to the core issue.
    The 1 (water) describes my challenge with career and security.
    The 9 (fire) describes my inclination to seek illumination.

    This captures me pretty well from one point of view I think.

    The other system that sums me up well is Myers-Briggs.

    In western astrology – with the old dates anyway – I’m an Aries which is meant to be fiery and outgoing. Which is pretty much wrong.

  11. bikehikebabe says:

    Evan, I wish I could wrap my brain around the straight lines/grid/octagon, twist around for 3rd & get 519 ???

    And Ursula, not you too. Didn’t your mother teach you to brush your teeth AFTER breakfast, not before. Tom does that too.

  12. Cathy in NZ says:

    according to the new sign stuff – I’m to move from Aries to Pisces THAT doesn’t sit will with me. I love it that I can explain my short fuse by saying I’m Arian…”don’t ever come near when I’m swearing, cause whatever I’m mad about it’s YOUR FAULT entirely” – they are rare the outbursts but they are full of fire!!

    I’m apparently going to be in my element this year as it’s The Year of the Rabbit! I will have to look up all those details again as it’s been a long time since I checked all that.

    I used to have a flatmate who was fully into all that stuff…the horoscope would be consulted and woebetide if he or I got it wrong! I look for fun sometimes 🙂

    I brush my teeth before breakfast as well…because I just hate the taste of the night, furry feeling! I know I sleep with my mouth open because I always need a drink first thing!! But I have no idea if I snore because I’m home alone…probably do as I’m asthmatic…

    I know what my Myer-Briggs status is but that, I’m sorry is a bit private…I have difficulties talking about it realtime without broadcasting it far and wide.

  13. bikehikebabe says:

    Cathy in NZ said, “I brush my teeth before breakfast AS WELL.” That says it all. But Tom doesn’t brush after breakfast.

    I took our little boys in to the dentist to be told how important brushing was. The dentist said they’d probably never have a cavity because their teeth were hard. Didn’t help. I asked Paul if he brushed & he said, “What color is my toothbrush?”

  14. Ursula says:

    So happy to have found Cathy, even if only brushing our teeth in the basin at roughly the same time.

    BHB, I don’t know how you coped with many an (unused) toothbrush in your bathroom. Tell Tom he’s got it wrong (MEGA – as any honest dentist will tell him). The one thing you do NOT do is brush your teeth AFTER breakfast – particularly if you have had orange juice or half a grapefruit. It clean takes the enamel of your teeth before you have had time to book your next appointment with, yes, your dentist.

    I have been telling my sisters who have large broods for years not to march their children to the bathroom basin straight after breakfast and just before school. Does anyone listen to me? Of course not. Well.


    PS Our dentist and his family would be biting his nails for nourishment if he had to rely on Apple of my Eye’s and my business – instead of which he holidays in the Caribbean.

  15. Ursula says:

    Sorry, BHB, apologies to Tom. He does NOT brush after breakfast. Has restored my previously in tact esteem for him.

    I myself dance on too many comps before breakfast. I probably give a lot of wrong answers to the right questions coming my way (just tried to make Jean happy over at Ramana’s). One of these days my poor head will implode. Which will be less of a mess than an explosion.

    Also wonder what’s happened to my son. It’s 0315 GMT. Give it another two hours and I won’t worry so much about his teeth as plan his funeral.


    As to Myer-Briggs: Let’s not go there till I have retaken the test. I do this habitually every five to ten years. Nothing ever changes.

  16. bikehikebabe says:

    I came down here to relieve myself from being mad at Tom. He’s our cook & he cooked a huge meal that we ate at 2:30–that’s 14:30 your time or 14 & 1/2. Then he cooked another huge meal we ate at 5:30—17 & 1/2 o’clock (how you say that). I’m trying to get my waist down from 28 inches (.7 meters) to 25 inches (never mind the meters). He takes 2 hour hikes over the mountains in the snow so he can eat. I can’t do that anymore. Then I come down here & all I do is LAUGH at your messages U.

    Tom & the boys don’t have any cavities. I floss, use the Waterpik, & brush after I eat anything & my mouth is full of fillings. However you did teach me not to use toothpaste, Oprah doesn’t either. I brush with Listerine instead.

  17. Jean says:

    Thanks for the explanation.

    I took the Myers-Briggs twice. The first time I was an ENFP, the second time and INFP. Both times I was close to the border on I/E and F/T, but very pronounced N and P. I felt understood.

    It seems if you use the Western system you don’t have to stop being an Aries. I would be a bust as one. 🙂

    I’m an Earth Rabbit:
    “Earth rabbit people are very lucky and pursue the goals of their lives with complete dedication. They are generally peace-loving people having an intellectual bend of mind. Earth rabbits are very hard working people and never give under difficult situations. Their creative bend of minds always takes them on unseen lands and even come out successful. Their only drawback is they get bored easily and then again search for newer horizons. In this process their finances also suffer. People of this Chinese horoscope are very romantic and give their heart and soul to a relationship.”

    Most of it fits, except for the finance and hard-working parts. My explorations usually don’t cost very much and when I get involved in something it’s play not work. If I don’t get involved I do as little as possible.

  18. bikehikebabe says:

    Does this mean that Everyone born in your birth year & month are like you?

  19. bikehikebabe says:

    Does this mean that Everyone born in your birth year are like you?

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