
Andy removed all those fallen trees from the old driveway, and he sawed one of them into smaller pieces for firewood next winter.

March 5, 2016

March 5, 2016

March 13, 2016

March 13, 2016



Yesterday he also tried to run some water down to the orchard, but it didn’t make it. So the next step is to walk along the pipe to see where it’s blocked. One nice thing about the land, there’s never a lack of things to do. 🙂


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8 Responses to Preparations

  1. Rummuser says:

    Perhaps that is why he is so fond of the land!

  2. Thinking about you warm and cozy all next winter, using up that firewood!

  3. tammy j says:

    and it’s keeping him in such good shape!
    my goodness those look like they could be yule logs!!!
    the marine and I walked about a mile and a half today.
    barely a stroll for that 20 mile hiker… but for me… plenty.

  4. Cathy in NZ says:

    certainly good exercise for Andy – but also good for us to see the processes and progress he makes with the event of fallen dead trees etc.

    • Jean says:

      Maybe a bit too much exercise. He was tired that night and yesterday he spent another three hours clearing trees off the road so he could drive up there. He had hoped for an easy day.

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