Nibbling Away

When a big tree falls across the road, Andy paces himself and clears it off over several days. He took these pictures after the first day.

He first saws off all the branches and throws them to the side of the road.

Then he saws the trunk into rounds and rolls them down the side of the hill.

He says he’s slowing down, he cuts the rounds a lot shorter than he did twenty years ago. I say you’ll never catch me doing that when I’m 83!


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12 Responses to Nibbling Away

  1. Cindi says:

    I’m lucky if I can cut off all the branches
    And then I really feel it the next day!
    But I’m sure that’s why he’s able to do that at 83.
    He keeps active and fit.
    I wouldn’t say he’s slowing down
    but just working smart. 😉
    He’s just so cool!

  2. tammy j says:

    wow. Cindy’s right.
    but good lord.
    what a man you’ve got! lucky lady! XO

  3. definitely agree with Cindi and tammy…sure to be others who agree as well

    I pick away at things too in the garden, but then again not with a chain saw and nothing like those “rounds”

  4. .Rummuser says:

    You won’t catch me doing all that now, leave alone when I am 83! Remarkable man Andy is and I doff my topi to him.

  5. Bravo Andy! I like the labor saving strategies, like planning every move, and cutting the rounds shorter! A common sense approach…

  6. nick says:

    Andy must be amazingly fit with all that strenuous physical activity. Most of us are shamefully sedentary. I was just reading of a 68 year old man who climbs the Old Man of Coniston in the Lake District at least once a day!

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