Nice Walk Up. Down, Not so Much

Andy had a nice walk up Cerro Grande today:

He made it two minutes faster than last week, one minute slower than in May. He thought he was getting back in shape.

Unfortunately, the trip down was another matter — he had trouble walking and even fell once (nothing serious). The symptoms went away after he got to the car and sat down for a bit, but just in case he came home for the afternoon instead of going to the land. He will continue to do more research.

Notice the grass is slightly greener than last week! We had a bit of rain, but nothing compared to the old rainy seasons. Still, we will gratefully take whatever we can get.


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10 Responses to Nice Walk Up. Down, Not so Much

  1. It’s always harder on knees to walk downwards. Although Andy had a hard time doing that, hopefully he will be stronger next time he tries. What spirit!

  2. tammy j says:

    he’s amazing. are you sure he was never a marine? 🙂

    • Jean says:

      Nope, he was in the army for two years and hates regimentation — that’s why he has refused to fly since it started being so controlled. He was willing to make an exception if we had an appointment with the Mayo Clinic. We’re still relieved about that one. 🙂

  3. ummmmmmmm – it looks like Andy may have to consider less, and have a portable chair to sit down on – “take a break admire the view” ….. and yes he will just say “humph!” to my suggestion.

    at least he decided to motor home, when he felt he safely able…

    with my current health status of problems with cough, I have slowed considerably.Yes I’m going to the last Artists Boot Camp in a short while but I can get there via one bus (goes about a bit), short flat walk both ends…

    • Linda Sand says:

      My portable chair is a Sport Seat brand. It acts like a cane until I need to sit down. At least it would act like a cane if I used it instead of just swinging it about. But I sure am glad to have the seat with me when I need to sit.

    • Jean says:

      I think he’s going to be sensible. We will see!

      I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself. 🙂

    • Jean says:

      That seat sounds like a great invention!

  4. .Rummuser says:

    Great progress being made by him. I like his spirit. My best wishes to him.

    • Jean says:

      He didn’t have any problems on the hike with Kaitlin, Torben and the pups today, so he will try Cerro Grande again some time next week.

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