They’re Almost Here!

Kaitlin, Torben and the pups are supposed to get to the motel tonight and were going to come over between 9:30 and 10 tomorrow morning. Kaitlin wrote that there will be a slight delay:

A few hours into our drive there was a brief disagreement about a bone and Tempi lost a nail. It does not seem to bother her, but it looks horrible. We have an appointment at the LA vet clinic at 10 am Saturday, but if there are any urgent care cases they go before us so there could be a wait. The vet by the dog park had nothing until August 6th…

Always something with our family!

The joys of having pups!


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6 Responses to They’re Almost Here!

  1. oh my – and bet Tempi was saying more than “humph”! over that bone…

    I managed my little trip out and back – I did small amounts of coughing but nothing to serious – when I came back I had to “connect at bus station” as I got the first bus out of the stop in town (pot luck on which route) but I had less than 5 mins so that was good…I decided as I got off the bus near here that the black cloud was moving more rapidly so I smartly walked home, just got on the porch in nick of time…the shower was fierce but fast…

    • Jean says:

      I’m glad you were able to make your trip, and even more glad that you’re feeling a lot better now. Fingers crossed!

  2. tammy j says:

    life is never dull! they’re just furry kids!
    so glad they’re all getting to visit you. have a wonderful time!!! XOXO

  3. .Rummuser says:

    Chutki has been treated for a skin infection that apparently happens to some dogs during the monsoon. She had to be sedated so that she could be cleaned up and her nails trimmed yesterday. She was quite groggy the whole of yesterday but, since this morning has been her usual self. The first time that she and we have had such an experience,

    • Jean says:

      Tempi doesn’t get her nails trimmed because she screams too much. A technician had to hold her down so the vet could even look at the toe that lost the nail, and Tempi started screaming when the vet touched another toe. The vet could see the toe wasn’t infected and gave them a topical antibiotic.

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