They’re Here!

The trip to the vet didn’t take very long, and we were up on the land before lunch. On the way they finished clearing a tree off the road — someone had removed just enough to drive by it.

Zoe followed Tempi up the attic stairs, but unlike Tempi was too afraid to climb down again, so Kaitlin had to carry her. We’re still amazed at how Tempi taught herself to do it all by herself.

And here are pictures Torben took of Tempi and Zoe on the porch and of Andy and Kaitlin fixing the gazing ball:

Another great day.


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10 Responses to They’re Here!

  1. oh absolutely fabulous – and even more fabulous that the visitors are visiting with you both – home/land – and not in some hospital situation. But I’m sure this visit is also about the future, if the future should change dramatically etc…

    Tempi looks right at home on the porch…Zoe will be still wondering about where they have arrived – nice time for all…

    • Jean says:

      They usually come around the Fourth of July, and we’re all grateful they didn’t this year. They came later in the hopes we’d get enough rain to make things green, and it is beautiful. And as you say, Andy’s being in the hospital would have meant not much time on the land. This is so much better, especially because Kaitlin made that extra trip.

  2. .Rummuser says:

    Fantastic! Great photographs.

  3. tammy j says:

    ha! love that sibling shot on the porch. the queen in her rightful chair! 🙂

  4. Joared says:

    Sounds like not your everyday experiences — keeps life interesting.

  5. Cindi says:

    Looks like a very nice day!
    The photo of the pups on the porch is just the best!
    Love it!

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