Getting Old

I didn’t get old on purpose, it just happened. If you’re lucky, it could happen to you.
—Andy Rooney

I like this quote even better than my old favorite:

Inside every old person is a younger one saying, “What the heck happened?”


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13 Responses to Getting Old

  1. tammy j says:

    LOL! they’re both wonderful! and TRUE!

  2. Cindi says:

    I agree, both are true.
    I get mad that my 34 yr old soul has a 61 yr old body though.

  3. love both quotes…my “unyoung” (that’s a new term for above a certain age, but defnitely currently not all that old) body is very tired, somehow trip home was disrupted by either – old buses, grumpy drivers, missed connections, then some problem on the western rail network, so missed another connection – but saved by the nice driver stopping at the “not in service stop” so it was a flat walk to the sidewalk…

  4. Rummuserr says:

    I think that I was born old. I can’t remember ever having felt that I was young compared to someone else. I suppose that being the first born with siblings coming before one became too old to register makes this happen!

    • Jean says:

      In grammar school I was always the youngest in the class. The school wanted me to skip a grade but my folks said no. I would have liked it at the time because I needed more of a challenge, but my folks were probably right.

  5. Rummuser says:

    Woman customer in restaurant: “I’d like a margarita please.”

    Waiter: “I’ll need to see your ID.”

    Customer (giggling while showing her ID): “You think I look like a teenager?”

    Waiter: “No. I thought you qualified for our senior citizen discount.”

  6. Linda Sand says:

    Why is my body so much older than my mind?!!!

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