Introvert? Extrovert? Ambivert?

I took the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator three times — twice it said I was an Introvert, once an Extravert (their spelling), but I was always close to the border. This test tagged me squarely as an introvert.

That’s why I love blogging, it lets me spend hours playing with ideas and still connects me with people. The best of both worlds.

Which one are you?


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19 Responses to Introvert? Extrovert? Ambivert?

  1. interesting, I missed 2 objects – and they were the very small objects! But what field I fit in is debatable!

  2. tammy j says:

    an introvert totally!
    I see the turtle without even starting the test! LOL
    I took that a week or so ago. Dewena sent it to Doreen and Poppy and me.
    it was fun.
    I agree with what you say…
    ” That’s why I love blogging, it lets me spend hours playing with ideas and still connects me with people. The best of both worlds. ”
    spoken as two happy introverts!
    PLUS (I still have those two wonderful books that were sent to me by a dear friend! I have looked up my whole family living and not… and it’s amazing!)

  3. Cindi says:

    I found them all.
    In fact I found them all before the timer started, except for two.
    I guess that makes me a super introvert.
    I always say that I’m an introvert pretending to be an extrovert.
    I can be super outgoing but I hate it.

    • tammy j says:

      ditto! you would also think I were a dyed in the wool extrovert if you saw me in a large group. and afterward it is exhausting!
      and yet I have never ‘tested’ out as an ambivert.
      the marine and I were talking about it just yesterday. like you learn what you have to … to survive when always meeting new people constantly. then as children it locks in I guess!

    • Jean says:

      Hurray for introverts surviving in an extrovert-worshipping society.

  4. tammy j says:

    ain’t it the truth tho! HURRAY! (that’s pretty extroverted right there! LOL)

  5. Mike says:

    Borderline, but more introverted than extrovert, based on a different test instrument. On this one, I missed 3 of the 8.

  6. Ru says:

    I missed one. Introvert? I find it difficult as I would be an ambivert.

  7. Diane Dahli says:

    I’m squarely in the introvert section! I’ve taken the test three times, with almost exact results. Lots of good things about being an introvert, but I could do without the ‘introvert bashing’ that goes on in our extrovert-worshipping society!

  8. AE says:

    Oh well, I’m not only an introvert but a dinosaur, so I couldn’t even figure out how to take the test. But on Meyer-Briggs, I get I N T/F P/J. Showing that I’m an “ambivert” when it comes to thinking/feeling and making decisions. Or do I mean wimp?
    I prefer the definition of introvert/extrovert that looks at our sources of energy and revitalisation: extroverts refuel by interacting with others; introverts go inside to recover from, say, an extroverted evening with friends. Or here’s another example: introverts want to sit quietly in their seats at the intermission of a classical music concert that was intensely moving; extroverts want to rush out to the lobby to tell all their friends how wonderful it was.

  9. Here via Nick.

    I have always known I was an introvert. On this test, I found most of the odd-one-out photos before the narrator said what to look for.

    • Jean says:

      I did too. While the person was talking I spotted the one that didn’t fit, except the first one when I didn’t know what the test was about and the very last one.

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