One Rescue Successful, One Not Needed

This pup clearly appreciated being rescued:

This fellow tried to get a bear out of the car, but he wasn’t needed.


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9 Responses to One Rescue Successful, One Not Needed

  1. wow – from 2 ends of the animal spectrum … I just imagine seeing a bear out of my front windows!

    • left out “I just can’t imagine” – typical me when I’m not completely with the rest of the planet…

    • Jean says:

      My Silver Sneakers teacher lives next to a canyon and worries when she takes her dogs for a walk during bear season. She always stays alert, looking around and behind her just in case. Andy doesn’t worry about being harmed by a bear, he just gets annoyed when one tears his woodpile apart or damages fences. I’m happy they aren’t a problem for me!

  2. tammy j says:

    oh monk! that little Sandy was rescued! and the foster guy wanted to just KEEP him! I’m so happy. that story fills my heart! those rescuers were wonderful. xoxo
    and the bear… honking the horn and putting the window down and breaking the glass! oh my! lol. but the main thing… he’s OUT!

    • Jean says:

      Yes, the rescuers were amazing — going all that way not knowing if the pup would still be there when they arrived. And that bear … I was nervous for the guy and jumped at the horn and window. 😀

  3. Rummuser says:

    Great Videos Monk. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Diane Dahli says:

    The explosive shattering of the glass was a shock! Oh, well, all’s well that ends well!

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