
Some rejections hurt more than others.


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8 Responses to Rejections

  1. The OP Pack says:

    BOL – one reason Mom steers way far away from FB. Who needs rejection anyway?

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    • Jean says:

      I don’t use Facebook because it doesn’t give me enough information to be worth my time. I also don’t like the way they’ve been sharing our data without our permission.

  2. I love f/b – I keep connected with my friends, artists, even family, and various other interest groups that keep me sane. The groups are not just about artistic items, some are about important things in my life, especially things that pertain to my region…
    There are a few f/b friends that overwhelm my feed from time to time, I quickly scroll past them…or I put them on “snooze” or similar.
    I get to read all kinds of articles that friends post, mostly at this point art related…
    And it’s really easy to just hit close screen and move onto something else

    (yes I understand the data collection, but just about every thing you do nowadays, data is being collected…it’s the modern thing; you just have to selective how far you think it is affecting one…I remember when I ran the yarn store – I kept inventory of who liked what, especially since we often had items donated. So I knew that H liked weaving with linen thread – so I would keep it aside for her…or that M liked purple & short ends of yarn…”I collected data”)

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