Hitting the Bullseye

Yesterday’s post reminded me of this cartoon. In the video at about .57/.58 minutes he briefly shows his dartboard moving so the dart will hit the bullseye every time. I’m guessing designing the moving board was a lot more fun for him than throwing darts is!

My strategy is slightly different.. I play around, explore, do what I feel like, and call the results a success in one form or another. That’s the beauty of lifelong learning. No matter what happens, keep learning and growing. You can’t lose.

What do you think?


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6 Responses to Hitting the Bullseye

  1. tammy j says:

    can’t argue with that!
    and I love the cartoon! LOL!

  2. Linda Sand says:

    Sometimes the success is learning what not to do next time. 🙂

  3. He doing something right to hit the target. But it a form of cheating.
    Coffee is on

    • Jean says:

      Cheating depends on what rules you are playing by. These fellows are making their own rules, just like Calvin and Hobbes. 🙂

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