Good News

We finally got some more electricity about 2:30 this afternoon. We had put some dry ice in our refrigerator and freezer to keep the food from being ruined, and last night we added a power strip to the extension from downstairs so I could recharge my iPad, power an 8-watt LED bulb in one of our lamps, etc. And this morning I moved the modem into the living room and connected to the internet with my laptop. (The laptop is on top of a big box on the piano so I could use it standing up.)

It was kludgy looking, but it was better than nothing, and now things are back in their usual places.

We still have only 1/3 of the electricity we usually have, because they had to order a new circuit breaker that won’t be here until about Friday afternoon. And we were warned that half (one phase) of our power might go out because of a loose connection. We’re still grateful to have it!

We’ve still been having a good time with Kaitlin and Torben and the pups. We’re sorry they’re snowed out from the land, but that sometimes happens in winter. Andy has phoned Orlando for help — he will rent some heavy equipment to deal with the snow from the fire station to our house — 2.1 miles. With any luck he will do it this weekend.


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14 Responses to Good News

  1. well looks like “Parts of life” getting some attention for you…

    I wish I had a way to deal with a problematic neighbour, one with the husband who swore at me over one of his trees (other side of ROW) – these neighbours don’t understand how to “speak at a lower tone” – and there has been a lot of swearing and they are indoors. I’ve once tried to yell over their voices, about toning it down, but I don’t think I made much headway. Marc has been out once on the porch upset on noise!!!

  2. tammy j says:

    I’m so glad you’re nearing the end of this adventure.
    I can’t help but wonder if the poor little critter wound up being electrocuted.
    it’s amazing that it didn’t start a fire.
    but then I don’t know much about how it all works.
    we’re in an ice storm. there have been wrecks galore. one was a 15 car pile up. it’s to stay below freezing all night so they’ll stay slick through tomorrow.
    then we’ll have spring like weather. talk about a yo-yo!

    • Jean says:

      It’s supposed to warm up some here — the highs above freezing. They’ve been working hard here cleaning the snow out of the driveway so cars can park, etc. A real mess.

  3. Catherine de Seton says:

    only heard the term this season…so tammy don’t think that your “spring like weather” will take a backseat on “ice”

  4. tammy j says:

    two magic words this time of year… light and heat.
    the apartment people were quick to get on it. that’s good!
    I’m sure Andy can’t wait to get up on that mountain. 🙂

    • Jean says:

      We all tried to drive partway up this afternoon, but a policeman was at a road closed sign at the beginning of the road up to the mountains. He said he couldn’t stop us if we lived up there, and we said we didn’t want to interfere with the road crew and would try again Friday. Fingers crossed for this weekend — unfortunately too late for Torben, Kaitlin, and the pups.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Well a third is better than nothing and hopefully you’ll be running full power soon. It’s frustrating going without power. We rely on it more than we realize

  6. Cindi says:

    Oh! I’m so sorry that Kaitlin, Torben and the dogs aren’t able to enjoy time up on the land. But better safe than sorry.
    I’m glad you’ve got some heat ! And a bit of electricity.
    So sad that this all had to happen at the worst time but glad you still were able to spend quality time together!

  7. AE says:

    It’s so good to hear you’re about to get some more reliable power. What an “adventure”, as they say, in the midst of a snowstorm and visiting family.

    I should have looked at your blog earlier, I was becoming more and more convinced that something had gone wrong. Sure enough.

    Eric and I will ring a few bells tonight and rattle a few beads, urging those electric folks to get going quicker than they ever dreamed they might!

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