Happy New Year!

I hope your new year is starting more smoothly than ours. 😀

Kaitlin and Torben were supposed to arrive around 6 last night, but the roads were treacherous so they stopped for the night about a hundred miles from here. Then around 9 our electricity went out. Just our apartment — apparently some poor critter was trying to escape the bitter cold and built a nest in our outside junction and managed to short our circuit breaker. So we had no electricity and no heat, since our furnace doesn’t work without the electric fan.

We called the emergency maintenance man, who figured out what the problem was and ran an extension cord from the apartment below us to work our heater fan. So we have heat but no electricity.

The maintenance man said they would send an electrician this morning to fix our circuit breaker, but it has snowed so much that he can’t get here. More later! (I’m writing this on my iPad and will try posting it in the fullness of time.)

Happy 2019!


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4 Responses to Happy New Year!

  1. Catherine de Seton says:

    wow…critters! Hope it is getting fixed…

    • Jean says:

      We have 1/3 or our regular power, plus the extension from downstairs for the heater. The new circuit breaker is supposed to get here Friday, so the final fix may be next week.

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Oh no, What a way to start the year. Well at least it can only get better? Hope they have everything fixed soon

    • Jean says:

      Thanks. It was a nuisance, but also very funny. Hopefully the new circuit breaker will be here tomorrow and we will be back to normal by next week at the latest. It feels normal now, we just have to be careful not to use too much power at once, and we’re having a good time with our family. We will definitely remember this visit!

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