Smart Pups

Tempi and Zoe don’t need to resort to trickery to get on the couch.

They curl up so there is plenty of room for the two of them plus one sitting human.

Zoe did notice that if the humans investigated something in the living room she could whip into the kitchen and steal food, so she tried distracting them by barking at the living room window. Unfortunately they were too smart for her.

Tempi isn’t sneaky. She communicates. For instance when she checked the rule of no climbing on the couch up on the land she made sure the humans were watching and meant it when they said no. No problem, she just climbed up on the table to sit. The view was better from there anyway.

More recently she had learned not to sit on the couch at Torben’s parents’ place, but then Torben’s sister’s puppy, Snowy, was somehow allowed to do it. Tempi looked at Snowy on the couch, then at the humans, and climbed up on the couch too. The humans had to admit, fair was fair, so they let her stay.

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7 Responses to Smart Pups

  1. Both Tempi and Zoe, know “what’s what” for sure…I would have loved to have been there when “snowy” was allowed on said couch, that would have been priceless to watch…

    What I found, many times on my couch, is that some nameless human (who lives here/my clone) puts things on said couch and when said human wishes to sit down, especially if she is carrying a bowl of food. I can’t even ask the “stuff” to move over, although sometimes I can squish in beside said “things”…

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    LOL, too funny about Snowy and Tempi.
    The cartoon reminds me of Gibbs. He will sit there and just stare at me while I’m watching tv and I have to figure out what it is that he wants.

    • Jean says:

      I agree with tammy, walks, or food, are always a safe bet. I love dogs but am a sucker for soulful looks so the poor pup would be spoiled rotten andI wouldn’t have time for anything else. 😀

  3. tammy j says:

    LOL!!! on all counts!
    Cat … that’s funny about your sofa with art stuff on it that won’t move over!
    and I still say Tempi is totally brilliant. with Zoe not far behind!
    the cartoon made me laugh. but then the pictures you included Monk REALLY made me laugh. I suddenly feel very good. 😀

  4. tammy j says:

    and Ann… Zeke used to do that with me too. usually it meant a walk!

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