No One Except Andy

This is what the construction looked like Wednesday afternoon and all day yesterday.

Andy was the only one up there yesterday, and since Joe hauled the backhoe off on his truck Wednesday evening, we assume he was working on another job. This happens all the time with construction, and they never let you know ahead of time what is happening.

Andy did get a prototype made of the anchor for fastening the beam that will support the greenhouse roof, so some progress was made.

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6 Responses to No One Except Andy

  1. tammy j says:

    they never give a reason for abandoning (temporarily?) one job and going to another? the mysteries of construction and every renovation people have suffered through! I guess you can’t start a job and finish it. you have to juggle three at a time!

    • Jean says:

      Yes, that’s the problem. They can’t say no to jobs if they want to stay in business. I would not like to be a contractor.

  2. yep, I think that’s a contractors nightmare anywhere – getting business and keeping it.

    Auckland is in a building frenzy – every now and then you see words that make no sense (some have been saying it for years) “move into your new warm and dry house in (insert date, some time ago)” nearby on my bus route that’s been the catch cry for nearly a year. Some of the street frontage houses have had obvious delays – they all have little semi enclosed front porches with steps – I think they have been building them nearly a month…and they are still not built. Around the side a full path comes down to steps. The steps are boxed in – no concrete yet…

    and in some areas they are taking out huge sections of old social housing – and putting in ghetto looking apartments…there will be no where to “play” and they will be cheek by jowl with their neighbours – block upon block on some streets…

    love Andy’s day of work…

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ve found that a lot of these construction companies have multiple jobs going at the same time. If they have a deadline closing in on a job they might pull the crew from other jobs to meet the deadlines.

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