So What Will It Look Like?

Our sunroom-turned-greenhouse will be the color of these sunrooms, but it won’t be nearly as high at the front end.

It will be more like this one if you imagine the inside filled with dirt up to the top of the base wall, the room being 11 panels long instead of seven, and it being a lot deeper, with a much higher back wall.

The roof has to be sloped enough so the snow can slide off in winter. And you can see that the base wall means the snow doesn’t block the glass. That’s why our greenhouse is elevated.

You can also see that the fellow couldn’t stand up inside the very front of the room if the room was filled with dirt to the height of the base wall.

I’ve superimposed our plan on the left side of the greenhouse so you can get an idea of what it will be like. We will obviously have steps going to the door. The opaque panels are insulated and the top one has an exhaust fan, the bottom one is for the intake air. Again, the entire area inside the side walls will be filled with dirt.

Notice that our wall will be a couple of feet higher (for a total of 9 feet from the foundation) before we are done. If we had made the front part of the glass higher it would have meant the back wall would be even more enormous and expensive, and there would have been more wasted volume to heat in cold weather.

The other side of the greenhouse doesn’t have a door, but it too has insulated panels for the exhaust fan and air intake.

Andy tried to optimize the greenhouse for winter, but he says it could turn out to be a mistake if the climate warms up. We will have to see.

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15 Responses to So What Will It Look Like?

  1. tammy j says:

    how exciting! thanks for the pictures. makes so much sense now. 😀

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Ah, now I see how it’s going together. This explains a lot. This is going to be a very impressive green house.

  3. The OP Pack says:

    This post was great – you did a great job of letting us see what the greenhouse will look like when it is finished. It is going to be wonderful. Mom would like one of those off the back of our house too:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. Rose says:

    Oh, I am so glad you showed us….I was really wondering how it was going to come together. You have done a good job explaining.

  5. Now it makes sense. That’s for the examples.

  6. Catalyst says:

    Aha! Your super-imposed photo tells me everything. Looks as if it will be a deluxe greenhouse.

  7. nick says:

    Ah, now I completely see what the finished greenhouse will look like. Thanks for that!

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