It Will Be Interesting

This is what the greenhouse structure looked like yesterday afternoon.

(More pictures on Flickr.)

When Andy left this morning it was to meet the installers and lead them up to the land. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Update: Message from Andy at 2:36

We will be leaving about 6. Tremendous progress-they plan to be done tomorrow

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10 Responses to It Will Be Interesting

  1. tammy j says:

    it’s looking so good!
    really NEAT work. and the ‘greenhouse’ part is still to come!
    such fun.
    expensive fun. but fun. and so worth it. quality always is.
    it seems that it’s being built to LAST. 🙂

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    They’ll have that done in no time.

    • Jean says:

      The installer thinks their part will be done tomorrow. Joe and his crew have more things to do, but the main time pressure was scheduling the installer.

  3. Rose says:

    Oh, boy, the excitement would be killing me! I am half serious. I am so glad I get to see the progress and enjoy it with you.

    • Jean says:

      I was on Cloud 9 today when I got Andy’s message. The best guess is he will come down tomorrow afternoon to pick me up so we can have a picnic supper up there. I offered to go up with him and stay the whole day, but he said it didn’t make sense. He will have to leave here at 7 am. Anyway, I’m flexible but am excited about seeing it.

  4. Can’t believe how fast it coming a long.
    Coffee is on

  5. wow and wow…it just seems like yesterday, they levelled the gorund

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