Life As a Shared Adventure

One reason I bought the new computer so early is it gives me plenty of time to learn new things — I can adopt a spirit of adventure rather than rushing to start using it. I am learning a lot, and as I said, it’s a great mental workout.

My sister in California, of course, is having her own adventure. We were born and raised in the East Bay (across from San Francisco), and she still lives there. So far she’s “only” experienced one two-day loss of electricity, including no phone or internet, and she’s cheerful about it, knowing that more are bound to come.

When we talked about it we remembered my mother. She was a worrier, but whenever the lights went out she tried to make it a fun adventure. Clearly that attitude has stuck with us. Good going, Mom! Thank you!

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12 Responses to Life As a Shared Adventure

  1. Rose says:

    That is a wonderful attitude to have…so glad you had a mom that passed it on to you.

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Having the electricity out usually drives me crazy. I think no big deal I can just go do this and then realize nope, need electricity for that…lol

    • Jean says:

      Yes, it’s a big deal! Our furnace needs electricity for the fan, so without electricity we don’t have heat, among other things.

  3. tammy j says:

    poor California! it’s just tragic. one year to the next. this one seems worse.
    I like to picture your sister being very much like you. I’m glad you have her.
    I hope she doesn’t have to be without power too much. and that she’ll be safe from the fires.

  4. I just “manage” me/life/home…it’s that or just disappear. On daily basis, I’m “home alone” – there isn’t anyone who will say to me “stay in bed, I’ll make dinner…”

    2 weeks ago when i got sick and had to stay at home…one morning I got up – went out to the kitchen to make a hot drink AND found that no pixie had dropped by during the last evening…there were still carrot peelings, unwashed pots, and some other things – JUST there…

    I was talking to a friend about this on Friday…and she agreed, home alone and have to do everything… What had happened that after an ineffectual meal, I had just drifted off to bed…and must have gone to sleep…

    It didn’t matter two hoots but it just annoyed me…because NO one in my network actually called around…they wrote email or f/b notes. Once I replied to that “I would love a real hug” … no reply of course; no one came.

    I’m not asking any of you to fly down to NZ … and I’m just going to get tuff again 🙂

  5. Linda Sand says:

    When I was a child we had an ice storm in central Illinois that shut down everything. Our furnace also needed electricity for the fan. We hauled all our sleeping bags into the living room and turned on the gas oven in the kitchen for heat. As kids, we thought it was fun. 🙂 Now we live in al all electric apartment so being without power for more than a few hours would be a problem. We’d have to evacuate. Which wasn’t an option during that ice storm. OK, I’m not going to think about that any more today. 🙂

    • Jean says:

      Yes, best not to worry about it! When our electricity went out for a couple of days around New Year’s it was just our apartment (a critter had made a nest in our electrical box) so the management ran an extension cord from the apartment below to our furnace fan so we at least had heat. We have a lot of down comforters stored away just in case all the electricity went out, but it wouldn’t be fun in the middle of winter. Last New Year’s our house in the mountains had heat, but we were snowed out. What a mess.

  6. Catalyst says:

    Whether dealing with a new computer or a power outage, it’s always an adventure, eh?

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