Smart, Patient Pup

Kaitlin, Torben, and the pups spent Thanksgiving with Torben’s mother. The rule there was that pups weren’t allowed on the couch. Now it’s confusing because apparently Torben’s sister’s dog is allowed, but Tempi and Zoe aren’t. Anyway, Tempi checked to be sure that was still true.

She went over to the couch and looked at Kaitlin who said no, still no couch. So Tempi went over to the ottoman, which had a pink blanket on it, and she put her paw on the blanket and looked at Kaitlin. Kaitlin said, as long as she was on the blanket it was all right. OK, the ottoman was better than nothing.

But later Kaitlin inadvertently put the pink blanket on the couch, so Tempi finally got her well-deserved snooze.

Humans can be crazy with their arbitrary rules at times, but Tempi is willing to be patient and work with them.

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16 Responses to Smart, Patient Pup

  1. LOL …yep humans are just so odd at times!

  2. tammy j says:

    awww…. that sweet puppy and those legs and feety feet …
    I’m glad there was justice after all! xoxo

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    Well I’m glad that Tempi found a way to work around the rules and get her snooze on the couch in. That’s too cute

  4. The OP Pack says:

    We have given up on figuring out the folks here – all we know is they love us, feed us well, and give us great care. We aren’t allowed on the furniture either, but for some reason it doesn’t bother us. We like playing and rolling on the floor just as well.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    • Jean says:

      Kaitlin would like the rule no dogs on the couch, but Torben disagrees so it’s hopeless at home. We had a rule up on the land about no pups on the couch, and that didn’t bother her. She just sat on the table — the view was better from there anyway.

  5. Rose says:

    Oh, this just makes me want to cuddle with Tempi!

  6. Rose says:

    Oh, that sitting on the table is priceless….

  7. Catalyst says:

    Funny, funny photo! Animals rule, even when they don’t.

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