Live and Learn?

In this Calvin and Hobbes cartoon Calvin says at least they had learned a lesson from their recent fiasco.

Hobbes: And that is?

Calvin: And that is, um. It’s that, well…
            OK, so we didn’t learn any big lesson, sue me.

As they walk on Hobbes cheerfully says,

Live and don’t learn, that’s us.

Live and learn? it doesn’t always happpen, does it?

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13 Responses to Live and Learn?

  1. tammy j says:

    I hate to laugh at that but I have to! for the most part we live and never learn!
    (don’t mind me… I have the news on in the background.)
    and I’m shut down from seeing any Instagram because I refuse to have a facebook account. this has only happened in the last 24 to 48 hours. que sera.

    • Jean says:

      I had trouble logging on to Instagram the other day, but I seldom use it so figured I was doing something wrong. I much prefer blogs and emails. Those I can handle. 😀

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ve heard that some mistakes are too fun to only make once so that could explain why we don’t always live and learn 🙂

  3. Rose says:

    Laughing at Ann’s comment…seems like I don’t make that kind of mistake. I make the kind that I regret for a LONG time.

  4. I used to have this Calvin & Hobbes comic hanging on our frig — it seemed to describe me perfectly! It always made me laugh, and it still does. My problem is, that I forget what I learned, and then remember…. 🙂

  5. I make “similar mistakes” that look at the time relatively okay, when the mistake shows up to be vastly different, but often they are same mistake in a fancy dress…or they are something from another era of my life, when the “thing” wasn’t even thought of as a mistake…

    • Jean says:

      Andy and I do all sorts of dumb things. We tell one another what happened, and we laugh about it. At our age “it ain’t going to get any better.” It’s a liberating attitude.

  6. Rose says:

    Jean, maybe you have just gotten wiser….

    • Jean says:

      We’re definitely a lot more relaxed than we used to be.

    • Jean says:

      Also, when things go wrong I try to figure out why and come up with a new strategy. I call it “fine tuning the system.” Mistakes are feedback, an indication that we need to change something.

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