Time to Stop Growing

Andy is about 5’8″ tall, and the tallest tassel is over his head now. He’s told the corn it’s about time for it to stop growing — let’s see if it listens to him.

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16 Responses to Time to Stop Growing

  1. tammy j says:

    I have no doubts that it will listen to Andy!!! 😀

    • Jean says:

      I have no doubts either, especially because we bought a variety that is supposed to get no more that 6′ tall. 😀

  2. The corner whisperer speaks but will they listen….

  3. aha – a whisper to add to Andy’s CV 🙂

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I am now wondering how tall corn grows in a field. I remember it was over my head way back when and over daddies head to. I think he was the same height as your hubby… its beautiful. waiting to see tassels.

    • Jean says:

      Most varieties grow taller than this one. We picked it especially because of its height. One site says,

      The height of the stalks depends on the corn variety and the environment. On average, a corn plant measures 8 feet tall but the world record is over 30 feet.

  5. Rose says:

    I was going to say I think it has reached its height with it having the tassels fully out.

    As to Sandra, there used to be and probably still is a kind of corn called Hickory Cane Corn…we used to some of it, and we grew cornfield beans with it. That corn grew at least 8 ft tall. It was way above as high as I can reach…so I am 5’3″…the corn could be eaten but was not as sweet as sweet corn.

    • Jean says:

      I’m guessing you’re right that once the tassels are fully out the stalks have stopped growing. I didn’t think of that. Thanks!

  6. The OP Pack says:

    Time to spread out instead of up:)

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    It will be interesting to see what it will do when it’s reached the top of the greenhouse. Will it stop or will it start growing sideways?

  8. nick says:

    Hmmm, it looks more like in growing mode than in listening mode.

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