Blessed Are Those Who Expect Little

Blessed are those who expect little, for they are seldom disappointed.

I did spend some time with Apple phone support last night. The gal was very friendly, and she was trying. I figured she wouldn’t be able to help, because losing photos is a weird problem, but she asked some sensible questions then suggested updating my operating system. That takes a long time, so I asked her another question, how do I check to see if I have used an Apple gift card. She tried having me go to the app store, but it wasn’t working right, so she tried transferring me to that department. During the transfer we were cut off.

All right, not her fault. I played around with that problem later on my own, and the app store was the wrong place. I had a gift card from the Apple store. I had tried searching at that store before but couldn’t find the right link to checking gift cards, so I tried searching again with DuckDuckGo (I use that instead of Google for privacy reasons) with various key words. I finally found the right ones to get me to the right place, and I do indeed have an unused $100 gift card for a lap top I recycled.

So it was worth spending some time on the gift card question. As for the missing photos, now that the operating system has been updated I figure I’m back to square one. So I’ll try taking a lot of pictures and see if any disappear. It’s as good a puzzle as any, so it’s good mental exercise and practice in patience and mood management.

Attitude makes a huge difference.

Andy and I are off to Santa Fe this afternoon so the endodontist can look at my tooth. Never a dull moment. 🙂

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16 Responses to Blessed Are Those Who Expect Little

  1. Madsnapper says:

    Hope this works and you keep all your photos this time. Yay for the gift card!sorry about the tooth

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Well glad you at least got the gift card figured out. Hope all goes well when you take pictures.

  3. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Endodontist, that is root canals. Let us know if you needed one. I have had quite a bit of experience with them, and going to the specialist is really the best! I find Apple has very good customer service, but a sorry you couldn’t get a complete solution.

    • Jean says:

      Thanks for the support. I’ve actually had a bunch of root canals, including on this tooth over about 25 years ago. I don’t mind them, but unfortunately this tooth is now cracked, which is how the bacteria got in, and it has to go. 🙁

  4. Computers and cell phone issues really is good mental exercise. Sometimes it takes me half a day to figure something out.

  5. Andrea says:

    I’ve had 8 root canals in my mouth, all resulting from crown preps on those 8 teeth. I’d get the crown prep, a week or two later that tooth would be zinging like crazy, and I’d have to have a root canal done on that tooth before the permanent crown could be placed. Oh my word…. let’s just say you have my sincere sympathy, kiddo. I’ll be praying for you… about your teeth *and* your phone. Love, Andrea xoxo

  6. well that’s promising a gift card to do some spending with…and of the tooth extraction hope all is healing as well…

  7. Rose says:

    Have you tried looking up on line to solve the problem? Would they be ‘in the cloud?’

    • Jean says:

      I purposely don’t put them in the cloud. I did search online first. The ones I took yesterday were there last night, but a lot are gone in Photos now. But I put them in an album on my iPhone yesterday and downloaded them to my computer. They are still in the album now. It’s interesting.

  8. Diane Dahli says:

    You are so patient CM! I would have given up on the photos ages ago. I guess I have a short fuse when it comes to tech problems! But worth it to find you have an unused gift card!

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