The Cause of Our Problems?

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18 Responses to The Cause of Our Problems?

  1. tammy j says:

    even the Creator of the universes is sick and tired of mankind’s constant bickering. he had to turn to the antics of little cat videos for relief!
    good for HIM! xo

  2. what tammy says 🙂

  3. Cute! If only it was that simple.

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    Tammy’s comment is perfect. Couldn’t have said it better 🙂

  5. Myra G. says:

    Yeay, Tammy! Beauty’s definitely in the eye of the beholder.

  6. Madsnapper says:

    This is really funny! And also kind of sad because I think most of us are doing just this we’re staring into our phones or other Contraptions or devices to get away from what the world is doing right now and to ignore it. I do hope the Creator looks up from a smartphone soon

  7. Rose says:

    He must have been watching Simon’s Cat Videos on Youtube.

    • Jean says:

      I have never watched them but am going to look them up now. Anything to lighten our spirits. 🙂

    • Rose Swalls says:

      If you look them up…watch the one titled Cat Man Do…it was the first one I ever saw, and may have been the first…it is our Bubbie. On several of them, it is the little things you have to watch for.

      Of course some are better than others..

    • Jean says:

      That’s a riot. I love it but convinces me I don’t want a pet. I love sleeping in. 🙂

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