A Path Not Chosen

I came across this quote the other day:

I would never have chosen this path, but I am very glad to be who I am, here.
— Audre Lorde, The Cancer Journals

It reminds me of this quote by Kathleen Norris:

Prayer isn’t asking for what we think we want. It’s asking to be changed in ways we can’t imagine.

Have you ever been grateful afterwards for a painful experience because you learned and grew so much from it?

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23 Responses to A Path Not Chosen

  1. Myra Guca says:

    Absolutely! In 1975 I was newly single with a small son to support, when one day — out of the blue — my employer dismissed me. A few weeks later I interviewed for what seemed a promising opportunity. No, I didn’t get the job. Instead I married him — the love of my life.

  2. Mike Goad says:

    I was out looking for work and happened to stop at the recruiting center in Baytown, Texas 49 3/4 years ago. I didn’t talk to the Army or Marine recruiters since Vietnam was in full force at the time. I did stop in at the Air Force recruiter’s office and visited with the Navy recruiter. The Navy had this interesting program called “nuclear power,” and the rest is history.

    I finally stopped working in nuclear a little over 3 years ago.

  3. Bruce Taylor says:

    Too many to recount.

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Hmmm, this is a very good question! Because we all grow from bad experiences…or at least learn something from them. I cannot think of anything right now, as it is 1:30 and I am sleepy and off to bed. But I know there must have been several times.

  5. Joared says:

    I recall several instances when I was disappointed only to have something even better occur shortly afterward.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    I may not have immediately been grateful for a painful experience but months or even years later realized what was gained by going through it.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    At first I was going to say no! but then I remembered in January of 1990 my husband was fired from his 19 year job. I was devastated I was selling real estate and was new at it and not doing very well he could only find a job making $10 an hour and that was down from $18 an hour! Then he decided to paint the house and on the very last tip top way up on the ladder it turned over and he broke 5 ribs. Because of that he couldn’t work at all and I moaned and groaned because I had to quit selling real estate and get a real job with benefits and a paycheck. it was a bad time in our lives but if I had not done that I would never have had the computer skills I have and the job that I got starting at $7 an hour with benefits turned into the best thing I ever did. I worked my way up the ladder I’m retired after 13 years.

  8. Rose says:

    Yes, I suppose we all have…even to such things as being behind a slow car, and wanting to pass but no opportunity. Only to few miles down the road come on a horrible accident….have had that happen a couple times. And have wondered if I had got to pass, would I have been involved in the accident.

  9. Cheri says:

    I’m sure I have other stories that I can’t remember, but one I do remember is that when we moved here back in 1974 I decided I needed to go back to work after staying home with our son for 2 years. I had taught high school business one year and hated it but it was all I knew I could do. So I looked for a job (really dreading it). There were no jobs in my field to be had, but 3 days before school started a superintendent called me and asked if I would teach remedial reading to 2nd & 3rd graders. I agreed but had absolutely NO IDEA what I was doing. However, I fell in love with teaching the little ones, went back to school and changed over to early childhood, later got my masters and taught for a total of 40 1/2 years!!! God had a plan for me…it just took awhile for me to discover it:)

  10. There have been plenty of “bad times” where I chose the wrong path – some of those paths come to haunt me occasionally and one in particular I finally had to say “enough is enough”

    Of late with both the world wide thing and my own personal health issues – I’ve not exactly gotten on the wrong path – but forced there. Even though I miss a lot of what I was doing 2018/2019 which was a new pathway – I’m hoping it will come again AND this time period is for “marking time”

    It’s interesting how some of my contacts here in NZ have been holidaying up a storm since we were released from the clutches of lockdown – and most have said “time for you to trip away” – somehow I can’t seem to get my head around it all – that I could go… And then “where did I want to go?”

    One day – you’ll be reading about where I’m holidaying…

  11. Hootin' Anni says:

    Definitely. We grow stronger because of what life gives us.

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