Enjoying the Process

I came across this quote recently,

Unfortunately, many people do not consider fun an important item on their daily agenda. For me, that was always high priority in whatever I was doing.
—General Chuck Yeager

It reminds me of two that we talked about last February, just before COVID:

This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.
—Alan Watts

The secret of happiness is to ask yourself every day:
  (1) What’s good about my life?
  (2) What needs to be done?
  (3) How can I get this done and enjoy the process?

Do you think they’re still realistic in these COVID days?

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28 Responses to Enjoying the Process

  1. Hootin' Anni says:

    Making life fun … in any way that pleases you is important ANY day. And, I think more so today.

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Not only do I think they are still realistic but I think it’s more important now than ever to put some fun in our day and in all we do

  3. The OP Pack says:

    We have to agree with Ann. When one day just melts into the next, we have to figure out a way to do something different and interesting:)

  4. After nearly a year of only seeing human beings every two weeks and mostly strangers at that in the grocery store it’s hard for me to call what I do daily ‘fun’ but I am able to to keep myself from bouncing off the walls with boredom. But we all define ‘fun’ differently so who knows who is actually having fun, fun.

    • Jean says:

      I don’t mind staying in the apartment, but it would be a lot harder if I didn’t see Andy every evening. And, of course, I stay connected via the internet.

  5. Cheri says:

    I once heard “life is what you make it”…so I guess the answer would depend on the person. These past months have been difficult for many but certainly just being able to rise in the morning and greet a new day is a cause for happiness…and if you can add a little fun in the day even better:) Sadly there are many who are really struggling with depression during this time. I think our youth in areas where they are not able to school are really suffering. Hopefully it won’t be long before we all will realize that we definitely need to put more fun into our lives and enjoy each and every day because we never know what tomorrow might bring. Here’s to happiner and “funner” days!!!

    • Jean says:

      I was lucky to have been isolated and depressed part of the time when I was a kid… I eventually figured out what I needed to do to keep from experiencing that again. It would be hard now if I didn’t have Andy and the internet, but the COVID challenges have been more invigorating than overwhelming.

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I DO! We need to enjoy the present now more than ever!

  7. Myra G. says:

    Not only realistic, but necessary.

  8. Cindi says:

    I’m trying to put fun in my day but
    being confined to the house by myself is kinda getting to me
    And now I can’t even get my car out if I wanted to because
    It’s stuck in the driveway. The city plow has blocked the end of the drive with huge chunks of ice and snow. I have to wait for someone to come out and shovel me out since I am not able. And also I was told I have a hernia at my last doctors visit and to be careful.
    I’m also battling a lot of red tape as far as Medicaid,disability and my finances go. It seems like every day brings some new hurdle but I do find fun with my pets, I enjoy taking photos of them. I guess that’s my fun.

  9. I agree, I think recognizing when you’re on “auto-pilot” and breaking out of that can go a long way too!

  10. We definitely need to add “fun” but it’s probably not what we were doing a year and a bit back – doesn’t matter where you live in the world.

    What I started to find and it’s still with me, even though life in NZ has loosened up a lot – is I “lost track which day was what” – even though my computer home screen tells me, I can easily forget something like “oh is that the garbage truck, oops forgot to put my bin out”…

    And then as some personal troubles came onto my horizon, I couldn’t go out as much…and the days were much longer. A couple of weeks ago and it took just as many weeks to put in place is “not get up and dressed before almost 9am” – unless something on schedule!

    Fun to me is usually mucking around with my art/craft supplies…someone on one of my blogs was talking about her bead supply – I think I might check mine this coming week….

    • Jean says:

      I’m so glad you have your art! We’re no doubt unusual, but life hasn’t changed that much for Andy and me. We shop differently and wear our masks, but we both still have our projects. I stopped going to the gym after 24 years, but I get plenty of exercise here at home. I’m streaming more videos while I do it, which is a big part of my fun. That and blogging.

  11. MadSnapper says:

    I have PHUN every day, that said, i can’t figure a way to make dusting or cleaning fun. I just do the no fun stuff between the fun stuff. i try to make my blog posts fun. fun is different for each person, i call it fun to learn new things on devices, others would not… Linda Chapman has fun cleaning her house, she loves to deep clean. ugh… the most fun we have is Beau.

  12. MadSnapper says:

    forgot to say, i have a close friend who is only happy when she is on the run and with other people. she is suffering and can’t find a way to have fun while at home.

  13. Rose says:

    I so think it is important to have fun, now more than ever.
    And I do think it is possible now. Though there are moments that are harder than others.

  14. Linda Sand says:

    Back when I thought my Dave was working too many hours I asked him when he ever found time to have fun. He replied that he had fun every day. Apparently, that’s what it is like to enjoy your job.

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