Just for Us

I finished the first draft of our taxes with TurboTax (Andy will do them separately and we will compare our answers), and I was surprised that we’re now using the special form for people 65 or older. The only difference is the print is bigger and easier to read and it includes the table of standard deductions at the end. The instructions are the same as the 1040:

It doesn’t make any difference for those of us using tax-preparing software, but I did find it interesting. Life is always changing.

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18 Responses to Just for Us

  1. Hootin' Anni says:

    I should start ours too. But this year we have a June 15th deadline instead of April. Nice!!

    • Jean says:

      We don’t file until towards the deadline, but I like to do it early so I have plenty of time if we’re missing forms or have questions.

  2. Myra G. says:

    We switched from Turbo Tax to (no cost) OTC last year… but I don’t think we’re required to file. I need to quit wondering and just do it.

  3. The OP Pack says:

    That’s a new one on me. Sounds like something that would be very helpful for some. Thanks for telling us about it.

    • Jean says:

      It would be nice if people under 65 with vision problems had something like it. As far as I can see the only reason this one wouldn’t work is the standard deduction table. It assumes no one filing doesn’t check any of the boxes for 0ver 65 and Blind.

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    We used to use Turbo Tax!

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ve been going to H&R Block since Wade passed away but I’m debating about doing them myself this year. I hate paying them to do them but that first year I was afraid I would miss something

    • Jean says:

      I think it was smart of you to pay to have it done last year. If you can try it yourself free on TurboTax you could look it and see what you think.

  6. MadSnapper says:

    I did my turbo tax on the last day of Dec. I always do it the day after i get the last 1099.. every year, for the past 5 i got my return deposited in our account on the 7th day. this year it took 3 weeks, but it did warn it would take 3 weeks. i love turbo tax

  7. MadSnapper says:

    also we don’t have to pay for Turbo tax because we are in the income that gets it free. it is perfect for lower income people

  8. Rose says:

    I am needing to gather things together for taxes. Small.print irritates me so bad…lol.

  9. Bruce Taylor says:

    Yes, I was surprised to find out I had filed on the new form, too. But TurboTax did all the work for me and I already have our refund so I could care less.

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