All Spring Days Aren’t Like This

I love this picture of spring, but it’s not the whole story. It reminds me of an old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. (I can’t publish it because of the copyright.)

  1. Calvin is outside smiling, saying, “Ah, spring.”
  2. He looks surprised as his hair is blown back.
  3. The wind kicks up and dust and small branches are flying. Calvin is grimacing.
  4. He’s running for home, pelted by heavy blowing rain.
  5. He’s home in an easy chair hidden behind the comic book he’s reading. He says, “I say we wait for summer.”

Here’s a lot of truth to that. Here’s a picture of our greenhouse last April 13th.

In fact, we would love to see snow again this month….I’ll talk about that tomorrow.

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24 Responses to All Spring Days Aren’t Like This

  1. We’ve had snow as late as May here but that is unusual. We’ve already had snow this April. One of the worst snowstorms of last year was the week of April 13th.

    • Jean says:

      In the distant past we often had snow flurries the first week or so in June. A little circus would come to town and I’m sure the performers in their tights were cursing us in the audience wearing our winter parkas.

  2. The OP Pack says:

    I will be very happy not to see any more of that white stuff. Now the pups, that’s a whole other story:)

  3. tammyj says:

    we’re in need of Moisture. Any kind of moisture. it’s terribly dry again.
    but then the high Wind has been non stop for days and days on end.
    such is Spring here! XO
    love the Calvin and Hobbes btw. I have all the books. 😀

  4. Myra G. says:

    Loved Calvin & Hobbes! That’s a clever way around the copyright.
    Let it snow!

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Wait…you want snow? I wait to find out why.

  6. nick says:

    Here in Northern Ireland we had a few days so warm we could sit in the garden. Now it’s freezing again and we’ve had a snowfall. I wish the weather would settle down a bit. Perhaps like Calvin I’ll just wait for summer.

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    Spring is definitely a mixed bag of weather

  8. MadSnapper says:

    we have had a cold front but nothing like yours will be. just colder than our normal. actually the past 6 weeks have been perfect for me, cold in the am hto in the pm and no heat or ac needed. i am thinking you need snow to fight the fires that might happen, more water. i think that because KB in Colarado talks about them needing snow for that reason

  9. at the bottom of the world – it’s definitely not Spring – and I’m starting to see some of the local verge trees taking on Fall colours – but it’s not all that cold yet, a nip in the air today, and it’s basically overcast with glimpses of sun – hope it doesn’t rain as I’ve some washing on the line, from yesterday when a small shower got them in the late arvo.

  10. Rose says:

    That is such a beautiful picture. I feel like I waste so.much time wishing for the future…actually it is wishing for something to be done and over with…but either way, it is not fully enjoying the moment.

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