A Potful of Pictures

I’ve been practicing taking pictures with my iPhone, so I took a few in Santa Fe while I was waiting for Andy at the eye doctor’s Thursday.

I also took some on the drive back home:

A lot more pictures, and higher resolution ones of these, are here on Flickr.

The interesting thing is the weather was bright and sunny until we got home. Shortly afterwards it started to rain, and we got about a half an inch up on the land that day and another three-quarters of an inch yesterday. How lucky was that!

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12 Responses to A Potful of Pictures

  1. I hadn’t read what you posted, but as I browsed the photos, thought “that’s dry-as” meaning the land needs some moisture …… then there it was some “rain fell on your return home” probably not quite enough for the land, but still rain upon the earth.

    No rain here, much sun when the morning wakes up but the wind chill still with us, so low overnight temperatures.

  2. Hootin' Anni says:

    Your scenic views on the road are filled with drama…intense drama on the horizon. Glad you got some more rain

  3. Myra G. says:

    Great photos! ‘Next best thing to being there.
    I hope Andy’s appointment went well.

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    Hooray for rain. I went and checked out all your pics on flickr. They’re amazing. What a view.

  5. tammyj says:

    these pictures are stunning! xo

  6. Madsnapper says:

    You and your iPhone took awesome pictures and that sky is absolutely spectacular. I had to smile when you said you got your inches yesterday in the past three days we have gotten 12 in we got seven yesterday the 12in were divided into three days and the funny thing is it comes down in 15 minutes. 7 in in about 20 minutes. We were so glad to see it and I kept saying I wish I could send some of this rain out there to help the fires that are burning all over the West. So happy you got your rain

    • Jean says:

      Yes, in general we could use some of your rain. When we came here in 1974 the sky was that spectacular most of the time. Now it’s only after it’s been cleaned by rain or snow.

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