Men, Women, and Doctors

Yesterday’s post reminds me of the time Andy was clearing a tree off the road and it fell on his leg…his foot had been stuck in the snow and he couldn’t move it fast enough. He wound up with a huge, ugly hematoma. It didn’t seem to be getting any better after two weeks, so I convinced him to have a doctor look at it.

When he got there the nurse said,

Why didn’t you come in sooner?! Don’t you have a wife?

The doctor was more relaxed. He said he could drain it if Andy wanted, but it would heal by itself.

It was worth the visit for the peace of mind, and for the nurse’s reaction.

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22 Responses to Men, Women, and Doctors

  1. It could have turned into a blood clot, best to get these things checked out. Love the nurse’s reaction.

  2. The OP Pack says:

    Every man needs a good woman right there alongside him:)

  3. Hootin' Anni says:

    Lol…husbands don’t always listen to wives. She musta not been married, or if so, not for long. Better outcome than expected tho.

  4. Myra G. says:

    It doesn’t happen often, but I love when medical folk diffuse stressful situations with humor.

  5. Catalyst says:

    Ah yes. The nurses know. Everything!

  6. tammyj says:

    LOVE this! 😀
    but hematomas are no fun and can be dangerous. that’s for sure. xo

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    That’s funny! And I sure am glad he was not hurt any worse.

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    OMG, the nurses remark is perfect. Too funny

  9. MadSnapper says:

    That is too funny and Bob’s doctor would not recognize him if I wasn’t in the room haha. I do the video thing also for exercise. I put on loud really fast music music that I love and then I do exercises to that. Sometimes I Just Dance

  10. nick says:

    So there was nothing wrong with Andy waiting a couple of weeks before he consulted the doctor. The nurse was a bit out of order. Personally I don’t need any prompting from my wife to go to the doctor. But my doctor still isn’t doing face to face consultations, only by phone.

    • Jean says:

      Our doctor does in-office appointments, and Andy has been having his regular eye treatments in Santa Fe with just a brief pause in the beginning.

  11. Cindi says:

    My Dad was like that.
    He always tried his home remedies first.
    Although he ignored one issue for so long that he needed a bigger more invasive surgery. If only he hadn’t waited a year!

    The nurse was funny and that’s probably true with the majority of patients most of the time!

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