Guess Who Turned Around?

This picture was in our local paper yesterday.

Cathy and Anna Morzinski. Used with permission.

Two hikers were climbing out of the canyon when they encountered the bear. Guess who turned around and went another way?

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21 Responses to Guess Who Turned Around?

  1. tammyj says:

    kinda too scary to even think about! wonder if it was picturing…
    “mmm… LUNCH!”

  2. Hootin' Anni says:

    The bear? I was always told to NEVER turn your back on a wild animal, to back away instead, so I think the bear left.

  3. Myra G. says:

    I’m with Annie. I think the bear turned the other cheek….

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I may have passed out before I was able to run!

  5. MadSnapper says:

    yes, that was the best thing to do and what i would do also. never having seen a bear, i have heard many times do not turn and RUN, which is what i would want to do. he is a cutie

  6. Linda Sand says:

    We once had a bear walk into our campsite when we were backpacking with our 3-year old daughter. Talk about scary! Fortunately it left then so did we. Later a ranger told us it carried off three packs that night from other campsites but didn’t injure anyone.

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    Well I know if it was me out there, I would have turned around and got the heck out of there.

  8. The OP Pack says:

    Wise decision, although that bear is handsome!!!

    • Jean says:

      It’s a great picture. When I talked to one of the women to ask for permission to use it she was still thrilled about the experience.

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