Things Are Starting to Grow!

Especially the squash:

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22 Responses to Things Are Starting to Grow!

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    Do I see corn in the first picture too? Everything looks great.

  2. tammyj says:

    wow! it looks so organized now! very neat.
    and things seem to be growing well. 😀 xo

  3. Hootin' Anni says:

    Soon, you’ll be reaping what you sow!!

  4. that’s fabulous – soon you will telling us about the produce…

  5. Isn’t that a great feeling?

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    And they are looking very healthy!

  7. Squash will take over the world if we let it, that and watermelons and really would that be so bad?

    • Jean says:

      We’ll see. We didn’t get much squash last year and am hoping for a lot more this year. Out watermelon plant didn’t do very well last year so fingers crossed there.

  8. MadSnapper says:

    I love me some squash, that is a beautiful plant. love the view from your mountain top even more than squash

  9. Yes, squash or zucchini grow like crazy. It seems like I have a new zucchini every other day. Good luck with your garden.

  10. The OP Pack says:

    Looking good and healthy. My ONE tomato plant in a smart pot on the deck to keep the rabbits away is overloaded with tomatoes – finally today I am seeing a hint of pink/red on one of them. Very slow ripening.

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