In Defense of Bad Habits

In her comment to yesterday’s post Sharon said her husband agrees with Twain.

… my hubby lives his life this way. he eats 2 eggs, 2 sausage, 2 toasts every day of his life and said if he can’t be happy with what he eats, he doesn’t care about adding a few more years of misery to his life.

It reminds me of the husband and wife who died in a car accident and went to heaven together. The wife was ecstatic, but the husband was furious,

If it weren’t for all your organic food and healthy living we could have been here ten years ago!

(I confess I personally have a healthy lifestyle, but it’s not to add years to my life, it makes me happy now.)

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20 Responses to In Defense of Bad Habits

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    I guess I’m middle of the road on healthy lifestyles. I agree with eating things you enjoy but too much of a good thing can be bad for you. I’ve been changing some eating habits because I spent too long enjoying too much of a good thing.

    • Jean says:

      I’m very good about exercising and eating healthy foods they make me feel so good. It’s a lot easier when I focus on the pluses.

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    This is a very interesting subject to ponder. We sure don’t want to live miserable lives, and everything that is fun seems to be so bad for us!

  3. Some of my “bad habits” have been completely put in the garbage bin – my own health keeps flipping about. However, I still have some “habits” because my body can tolerate them, in very small doses! But I’m still learning…
    Yesterday I learnt that I could overturn my thoughts on the inhaler medication and use it more until I can have my asthma reviewed – always tried not to do that but this morning it was an ace idea!! But I’ve had to postpone today my new, very slowly, get back to walking due to rather nasty weather of the wetting kind…no point in getting even sicker if cold/wet unfolds.
    (Once upon a time, I had bacon, eggs and toast for every breakfast – now I can’t manage the bacon but I like now to eat porridge with additional maybe good for me extras on it)
    Life is what we each make of it – and we shouldn’t judge another “just because” …

  4. Rose says:

    I know I need to break some eating habits…and develop some others. It just seems so hard to do right now.

  5. MadSnapper says:

    I have a carb addiction and have all my life and so did my mother, her sister and all her aunts and my grandmother. this makes comfort carbs not only hard to give up but trying to eat small amounts almost impossilbe. to lose the weight I had to give up sugar and all foods made with it. i made it four years, but it looms and it would only take one bowl of ice cream for me to slide back into that addiction..

  6. tammyj says:

    I’m taking the middle path in life now. there are things I should give up completely but I just don’t want to! cheese is one of them. and pasta.
    sugar isn’t a big problem. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth. but I LOVE ice cream! and when it’s 100 degrees out there …. and I can have a little of it…
    I do. with no guilt! I think it’s the guilt that gets us anyway. 😀 xo

  7. nick says:

    I have such a healthy lifestyle I’ll probably live another 20 years, but the question is, do I actually want to live another 20 years? Won’t I have got thoroughly bored by then?

    I’ve thought often about going vegan, but like Tammy I love cheese too much. Vegan cheeses taste awful, nothing like the real thing.

  8. Linda Sand says:

    I don’t cook and I don’t like most vegetables. But, my doctor said I have to start eating them. So I found–prepared meals that have hidden veggies in them designed for picky kids. Since I don’t need a lot of calories to support my sedentary life this is working well for me but I still get to eat my dark chocolate and Ruffles potato chips. How’s that for the best of both worlds?

  9. Hootin' Anni says:

    I figure enjoy life the way you see fit.

  10. Cindi says:

    My lifestyle used to be pure junk. But ever since my diagnosis I’ve been so much better. I read the labels on everything and I’m very careful but I’ll admit, I’ve started to eat a few things (ice cream for one) that I loved before.
    I’ve read a lot and I do eat my veggies and fruit and while everybody pushes juicing and vegetables I’m no longer obsessed. I’ve found there are women who have been vegans and athletes prior to their diagnosis and they still got cancer. So I’m just trying to be sensible but still enjoy what I want to eat. I think about an interview I saw with Ricky Gervais and how his Dr. told him to stop drinking beer and eating pizza if he wanted to add 20 years to his life and he said sorry I don’t think I want 20 years if I can’t have beer and pizza. I don’t totally agree but I also don’t totally disagree. 😉

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