We Have a Bed!

Andy ordered it from a Santa Fe store on August 14 with the understanding they would deliver it up to the house and put it together. It took a few weeks for them to get it, then the problem was to get it delivered. The drivers, hired from a different company to deliver it, couldn’t find our place. Andy went down to the store twice more to give them maps, but that information was not passed on, etc. I’ll skip the rest of the details, the main thing is it now up there.

So our wills plus the bed. We’ll call that a successful week!

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22 Responses to We Have a Bed!

  1. Rose says:

    Definitely a successful week. Two important things accomplished would keep me happy for a month!

  2. Catalyst says:

    Did they assemble it? We just got one delivered (hours late) today, they did not assemble it and we have just about got it done. And we haven’t killed each other. (yet)

  3. tammyj says:

    it’s wonderful! on both counts!
    and so glad the bed got delivered before your trip. XO

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Details… what kind of bed? Memory foam, innerspring, Sleep Number? Let us know how comfy it is and dif you would recommend it.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    You have had a successful week. Wha kind of bed it is? I have a pillow top mattress and I would never buy another one again.

    • Jean says:

      Thanks for the info. Why not? They don’t wear well? Andy’s and my mattresses down here are over 50 years old and we still love them. Apparently the new ones aren’t made to last.

  6. Hootin' Anni says:

    A successful week for you I hope.
    But, a will and a bed together makes me feel a bit concerned…my dad, hard worker, always said ” I’ll sleep when I die “…then in one week…a will AND a bed? I know, I know…I’m putting too much into this.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    you will have a lot to post answers tomorrow. my quesiton is.. is this bed in your aypartment or is it up on top of the mountain as a guest bed, OR a guest bed in your apartment. YES on two things completed,

    • Jean says:

      It’s a bed for up on the mountains. We have a cot up there and Kaitlin and Torben have been using an inflatable bed. Hopefully this will be more comfortable and easier for them to use.

  8. Myra Guca says:

    Yeay! Congratulations on another tick off the old list.

  9. aha, so it was a bed for your forest cabin homestead, I was a bit confused…but I was not thinking on the same lines as H-Anni’ 🙂

    • Jean says:

      The reason it was such a mess getting it delivered was because it was up there. But we had success at last, and we do like the bed. 🙂

  10. nick says:

    We’re about to buy a new mattress to replace our present one which is about 30 years old and is getting very creaky. The notion that you should change your mattress about every 7 years seems like just another ploy to sell more mattresses.

  11. Hope you like it. Let us know.

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