Sometimes When It’s Very Windy….

the bottom of the ladder falls off and down to the ground.

It happened again Tuesday, so yesterday Andy anchored the bottom by burying the bottom in the ground:

Notice how much lower the bottom rung is now compared to before.

Fingers crossed it works.

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18 Responses to Sometimes When It’s Very Windy….

  1. tammyj says:

    wind and heights and faulty ladders!
    not the greatest combination.
    our north winds today are Fierce! I can’t imagine what it would be on a roof!
    good luck with the solution!!! XO

    • Jean says:

      Andy watches the weather and doesn’t go up when it’s windy. Thank goodness. “Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain.” Stay safe!

  2. Hootin' Anni says:

    Hope it works. Logic says yes, but Mother Nature may have her say in it.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    great idea, that could be bad if he was alone and no one to put the ladder back. this looks like a great idea to me…

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    Oh that would be the pits having the bottom of the ladder blow off while you are up on the roof. Good idea burying the bottom

  5. so the ladder is always in situ OR if it isn’t making some “metal tubes” cemented into the ground so you place the legs in said holes, with possibly the bottom rung cut out…and then maybe a rope tied to another post driven into the ground at whatever is the best angle to hold it against the roof. (of course you’ve already thought of these solutions)

  6. Catalyst says:

    Fingers crossed, he’ll stay off the roof!

  7. Rose says:

    That is a great idea!

  8. Myra Guca says:

    Super idea! Having had to sit through 14 years of ladder safety training, the possibilities are frightening.

  9. The OP Pack says:

    We sure hope it works well, especially when Andy is at the top of that ladder!!!

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