
Strange things started happening with my computer around midnight last night, and while I was trying to figure out what was wrong our carbon monoxide and smoke alarm detector started shrieking. Fortunately there was a button to silence it, but the instructions talked about interpreting chirps, nothing about a steady loud shrieking. We took the batteries out and tossed it. For some reason we have another one in the same room, fairly close to the malfunctioning one, and it was well behaved.

I decided to stop fighting the computer last night and tried doing the task on other computers today. They’re acting weird too, so I think I’ll just try again tomorrow…after Halloween is over.

Hope your Halloween is uneventful!

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25 Responses to Haunted?

  1. tammyj says:

    oowee! oowee! how Weird! and how horrible to wake up to that sound!
    maybe there’s a little computer gremlin ghost!
    he’ll leave after halloween and you can continue. unless of course…
    he decides to set up shop in one of the computers!
    but good luck! XO

  2. MadSnapper says:

    you might have spooks in your computer and they will be gone to morrow. hope so

  3. Rose says:

    Sometimes it is just best to walk away and come back fresh. I can remember my mom telling me to stop with some kind of homework…I cannot remember what. She told me to get up and try it the next morn. What is bad is I cannot remember for sure if it worked…but it must have or I would not remember it.

    • Jean says:

      When I get stuck I back away, usually by doing Sudoku or jigsaw puzzles, depending on what the problem is. It works, because it gives my subconscious mind time to do its thing.

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    Uh oh, are ghosts and goblins haunting your computer? 🙂

    • Jean says:

      Actually Firefox had done me in, by putting the wrong extension on audible files I was downloading. I have no idea why they’re doing it , but it was an easy fix once I found out.

  5. The OP Pack says:

    Very eerie!!!:) Hope things settle down tomorrow. We have a carbon monoxide detector in our bedroom and it would scare the daylights out of me if it started making noise.

  6. I put computer problems right up there with car troubles. I hope yours gets sorted out. Its been a quiet day for us, except that our mailbox and about a dozen others got taken out and demolished on our road last night ….. grrrrrr….

  7. I hate it when smoke alarms go off.

  8. sillygirl says:

    Consider yourself lucky – yesterday my husband collected the dead rats in the attic – traps the exterminator had set and in his 81 year old brain didn’t listen to me about being EXTRA careful and put a body part through the ceiling in my bathroom. We are to get new insulation and a solar blanket tomorrow. We used to have a handy-man that could do everything – he moved half-a-country away.

    • sillygirl says:

      Update: my husband called the solar guy to ask if we needed to wait and have the ceiling repaired first – the solar guy has a dry-wall guy!!! Sure hope this all works out! Next is the freezer that has a frozen channel where the drain in. A few months ago the alarm went off and we chipped and melted and it was fine until it wasn’t – several things could be wrong so back to the repair guy that got the sock out of the washer when that stopped working. See how uncomplicated all your lives are?!

    • Jean says:

      Wow! That’s horrible. Good luck!

  9. Oh my! I know that I had issues with my gmail sync. What I deleted from my gmail on my phone didn’t sync with my Chromebook. It’s back to working now. Also I could get into Feedly yesterday to read blogs. Glad your other detector was working okay. BOO!!!

  10. Myra Guca says:

    I know we’re talking apples and oranges here, but. A number of years ago Tom called me in a panic — all 6 of our home’s smoke alarms suddenly began to go off. In unison. Couldn’t shut them off! Long story short, he had to turn off all the power and trouble-shoot our home’s wiring. That night a co-worker showed up with a big bag of goodies, a ladder and went about replacing every one. Scary … but I suppose that’s what those sirens are designed to do, get your attention.
    Hope the computer gremlins have gone back for a long winter’s nap!

    • Jean says:

      That would be horrible. A while back just one of ours went off and we had trouble silencing it. We’re careful now to buy only ones that are easy to shut up.

  11. Catalyst says:

    Other than that terrible baseball game, it was quiet here.

  12. my phone has been acting up a bit lately as well…mostly downloaded apps, which I uninstalled and then reinstalled the next day. Things like the local weather app!

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