Trick or Treaters

Kaitlin sent this picture of Tempi today. She and Torben get only a few little children coming by because Carlisle has people donate candy at the local country store. It distributes the candy to the families in the part of town (houses a lot closer together) that gets most of the trick or treaters. As I understand it, a lot of kids drive in from other areas and they’re mostly teenagers. The local 8 to 10 little kids in Kaitlin and Torben’s area are the only ones who come by their place.

Here it’s been years since any kids have come by. Our town has Trick or Treat on Main Street the Friday afternoon before Halloween. The kids dress up and go to the local stores to get their treats. It’s a festive occasion and a great idea.

What about where you are?

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19 Responses to Trick or Treaters

  1. Halloween is only just starting to catch on here, helped by the cheap Asian stores bringing the decorative elements – or migrants from overseas. This year of course Auckland has a most severe covid lockdown, so things have definitely changed – from f/b local messages to someone I know connected with a Mums group…whereby the adults drop treats off to letterboxes in a contactless way – and anything resembling dressing up, within the confines of your own home…

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Tempi looks really cute in that costume.
    We have trick or treating here but I haven’t passed out candy in years.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    I have not passed out candy since I married Bob 37 years ago. our first halloween, we just turned off the lights because of Max the dog who did not care for strangers and we never started again. there were only 8 or so kids back then and on the street we are in now it has always been a kids free neighborhood, most of us old with no small kids. not sure what they do here, we have no contact with kids to find out

  4. Hootin' Anni says:

    Here it’s mostly malls who hold treat parades for small ones …also churches.

  5. Rose says:

    We have not given candy in two or three years…there for a bit I got candy then we ended up.being gone. I did not hear tricknor treated this year…but our area used to have a lot.

  6. tammyj says:

    Tempi makes such a cute lion!!!
    we have no tricker treaters here in the apartments. there are a lot of place where they go for candy and activities. the mall etc.
    in my old neighborhood we all used to sit out in our driveways and give out treats. it was fun. especially the little ones! they always came by early.
    and they were adorable! I loved it as a child. it has changed a lot I think. 🙂

  7. Linda Sand says:

    We don’t get kids here. My church offered trunk or treat in the parking lot but I don’t think that’s happening with the shutdowns. Since they stopped having live services I don’t actually know what they are doing now beyond the sermons being posted on their website.

  8. That’s a cute photo. Obviously we didn’t have kids last year and this year I decided not to hand out candy. Hopefully we will do it next year. I really enjoy seeing the kids. I’m not sure what our town does. I’m sure there are church’s which do the trunk and treat.

  9. The OP Pack says:

    Tempi makes a handsome lion.

    We didn’t get a lot of trick or treaters, maybe 25, all over the span of about 30 minutes. We used to get around 150 or more. But it was nice to see the few that came were very polite and happy.

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