It was Actually Two…

big zucchini.

Apparently zucchini this size aren’t unusual. Wikipedia says they they can grow to nearly 3 feet in length, but they are normally harvested at about 6–10 inches. Bigger ones have tough skins and seeds.

Ann wondered what the world record was. Guiness doesn’t give the dimensions but says the heaviest weighed 64 pounds 8 oz. and the longest was 8 ft 3.3 in.

We’ll stick with the smaller ones if we can.

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18 Responses to It was Actually Two…

  1. I found the bigger ones tougher – when I was growing them – good to see you are still getting a return on the plants…

    • Jean says:

      They do get tough. In the old days my mother would cut them lengthwise, hollow out the seeds, fill them with a meat stuffing and bake them.

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Just think of the enormous salad they would make!

    • Jean says:

      I’m afraid they would be much too tough for that. As I told Catherine, my mother would cut them lengthwise, hollow out the seeds, and bake them with some meat filling.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    i see recipes on line doing the hollow out thing on even the medium sized.. wow on the size of the biggest one. even the mediums can be tough sometime. i am about to go shopping and see what squash they have in wm

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    WOW, a 64 pound zucchini. Thanks for looking that up.
    The ones in your picture are the size Wade’s friend used to bring us. I would make a ton of zucchini bread and put them in the freezer and of course the gardener always got some as well.

  5. They’re beautiful zucchini, and they grow so fast – One day they’re small, and the next day they are ginormous. Kinda like kids and puppies! ?

  6. Rose says:

    I had never thought to look and see how big they get…the records are sure amazing.

  7. tammyj says:

    do you cook them like your mother did for you and Andy?
    I honestly can’t remember ever eating them. how odd!
    here … everything is so fried. I think I’ve seen them fried. 😀 xo

  8. Hootin' Anni says:

    In my experience, the larger
    ones are tough and woody?!!

  9. Joared says:

    Zucchini I like to microwave, too. My neighbors have shared with me some they have grown, but not this year so guess the crop wasn’t good.

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