Miserable People and Happy Dogs

I’m thinking about Stanford in Germany a lot and trying to figure out how to describe those six months. In the meantime I was tickled by these two paragraphs in the Boston Globe about the weather there.

As she walked her dog on Saturday morning, with one plow after another passing her, she struggled to open her eyes as small flakes pelted her from seemingly every direction.

Trudging through shin-deep snow, the 34-year-old was among the few to venture into the neighborhood’s desolate streets β€” most of them miserable people walking happy dogs.

It makes me smile. I’m sure the Op Pack would love it.

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22 Responses to Miserable People and Happy Dogs

  1. The OP Pack says:

    Lightning, Misty, and Timber say you are SO correct. They really wish their Mom and Dad still lived in either Massachusetts or Connecticut as they did for over four decades. As for Mom, she doesn’t miss those big storms at all:)

  2. wow, now I’m in a place where there’s nothing like that – but in the mid 60s I lived into the UK. One time when we were out walking, a regular occurrence, I took a step forward and landed almost up to my waist. I’ve connected with a ditch which in the summer I would have seen! Everyone started laughing and then my BIL forgot about the ditch and he too was “snow bound” πŸ™‚

  3. tammyj says:

    I have good memories of SNOW! deep and clean.
    we’ve had none so far. but February still brings hope! xo

  4. Rose says:

    The last two dogs we had were opposites…one would have been happy, the other would have Ben hurrying to get back inside. But I can just see a cartoon depicting those two paragraphs.

  5. Hootin' Anni says:

    Yep, most dogs love snow.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    I think the line miserable people walking happy dogs is proof that happiness is a state of mind. The person is miserable because of the weather. The dog doesn’t care about the weather, it’s just happy to be with the person it loves.

    • Jean says:

      I think some dogs love snow even if the weather is yucky…the humans do it to please the dog. I’m not a dog owner, so they will have to decide. πŸ™‚

  7. MadSnapper says:

    yes, the op pack would the Beau walker is dreading todays walk. yesterday we walked in 32 degrees and my fingers were frozen by the time we got home. he was happy as a clam and all I could think of was my fingers, THEY said it would be 10 degrees warmer today and THEY were wrong, it is now 33 degrees and my fingers are dreading break of day. that said, I shudder to think about walking in snow. I checked our WM to see if Florida has gloves, nope, we don’t and its 3 days to get a pair delivered and by then I will not need them. maybe I will wear socks, LOL

    • Jean says:

      Using socks as mittens is a great idea. Probably buying some emergency mittens might be wise if the weather keeps being unpredictable. πŸ˜€

  8. Myra Guca says:

    Too cute!
    Calls to mind when Caraleigh was a new pup, this ‘new mom’ wasn’t keen on taking her outside to do her business.
    Instead, I bought (ie, fell for) a canine litter box. (Yes, you read that right.) The only thing she succeeded in doing was kicking up her back legs — sending litter sand all over my tile floors. Still makes me laugh!

  9. “…miserable people walking happy dogs.” I absolutely love that. It made me smile from ear to ear.

  10. Diane Dahli says:

    I love Ann’s comment! You nailed it, Ann!

  11. Joared says:

    I often enjoyed the snow in my younger years past — sometimes lots of it and more than those in the eastern states have experienced — but I’m glad to not have it now. Liked that line about miserable people and happy dogs.

    • Jean says:

      Kaitlin loved snow until she was about four. Then I had her put on her own warm clothes and boots and she wasn’t so sure. And I remember a friend in Ithaca saying, “Every year I dread winter more and more.” πŸ™‚

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