It Was Worth a Try

Sometimes things sound like a good idea when we invest in them but they don’t work out. Thank goodness for freecycle so we can experiment and not feel guilty.

One thing I tried that did click was my NordicTrack treadmill. I bought it over 25 years ago and I use it almost every day. It’s a bit worn now, but it’s still a keeper.

What has your experience been?

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16 Responses to It Was Worth a Try

  1. Linda Sand says:

    The two exercise machines I used regularly were a NordicTrack and a NuStep. We sold the NordicTrack when I could no longer do standup exercises and we sold the NuStep when we sold everything to move into a motorhome. There is a NuStep here in the exercise facility but they aren’t good enough about Covid risks for me to go down there now. We seem to be getting one or two new cases in our apartment complex nearly every day right now. Management now encourages, but doesn’t require, masks. Uffda!

  2. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    What is freecycle? I think this pair will get more exercise than they bargained for, once they see this dragon!

    • Jean says:

      That’s their pet dragon… Henry, I think. He’s the best part of the cartoon. 🙂

      Freecycle is a way of offering or asking for used items. A way of recycling without paying or being paid.

  3. Cindi says:

    I don’t know if we have Freecycle here but I don’t need it.
    Anything of nice enough quality, I donate to “Rescued”. It’s a non-profit and 100% of proceeds go to help animals in need. So many times a pet will need an emergency surgery and an owner can’t afford it so Rescued steps in and either helps or pays for it all. Sometimes they have special events and when they do I donate Art that I’ve made for them to sell.
    But if I have something broken or not in the best condition, I set it on my curb and it’s always gone within the hour. That’s one of the benefits of living on a busy street.
    I feel like giving freely is circular in a sense. Give and when you are in need, that kindness will be returned.

  4. Cindi says:

    I forgot to say that Rescued is a resale shop. Everything is donated and profits go to help animals.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    I have never used freecycle. I should try that. I have been guilty of buying things and they didn’t get used much. I have had a rowing machine that I got rid of. I’ve had two different exercise bikes. One I got rid of then ended up buying a new one. I used it awhile then it sat so I put it in the crawl space. I pulled it out and started using it again for awhile but then it sat. That time I just got rid of it.

  6. Hootin Anni says:

    My experience is more like the cartoon!!

  7. MadSnapper says:

    no excercise machines here, about 25 years ago, i bought a used treadmill for 10 dollars from a yard sale, rarely walked on it, my son came for the week end and did not listen when we said don’t run on it, and did and had to haul it to the curb where someone picked it up. Bob has been a member of the Y and swimming 5 days a week for 24 years, myself a member for 16 years. we have access to just about anything that can be used. I walked tread mill for 12 years and changed to pool. now I do dog walking and daily excercise in the house and our pool.. had to give up treadmill due to back issues

  8. Good for you!
    Years ago I jumped at the chance to buy a friend’s treadmill ‘on the cheap.’ Unfortunately, ours also became a receptable for jackets, etc.
    Then, 4 years ago when we were ready to move I thought I’d have to PAY someone to take it off our hands.
    These days I make myself think long and hard (ie, cooling off period) before buying a non-essential something or other.

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