A Fantastic Visit

Beate and Tim cleared the worst part of the steep defensible space, which was a huge relief. It frees Andy for other things now.

Here’s a picture of him showing Kaitlin his electronics β€œlab.”

And here’s a picture of them planting the Ponderosa pine tree.

The plants in the greenhouse thrived during the fire, but they needed serious work after a couple of months of neglect while Andy was replacing the watering system and working on the defensible space.

Yesterday Kaitlin cleaned it out and rototilled the soil.

How wonderful is that?

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22 Responses to A Fantastic Visit

  1. Hootin Anni says:

    An abundance of help!! A dream come true!!!

  2. MadSnapper says:

    I love the view of your home in the first and last photo. so beautiful and green and a focus that it is on a mountain top, and the last view through the green house. Wild Clapping for Kaitlin

  3. The OP Pack says:

    That is so wonderful of Kaitlin to help out so much. We hope you all had some nice relaxing visiting time too.

  4. Catalyst says:

    A little bit of paradise!

  5. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    Wow, she did a fabulous job! I love this pic of your house on the hill. You live in a modernistic fortress!

  6. Linda Sand says:

    Daughters who come and work are a blessing indeed. Ours comes and cooks so we can thaw and reheat. Yay!

  7. so Kaitlin came on a working weekend – and wow didn’t she do well – now for Andy to get some seeds and plants in – for the next harvest… And to top it all off family came to see you both πŸ™‚

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    Kaitlin did a fantastic job on clearing out the greenhouse. So glad it was a nice visit.

    • Jean says:

      She not only cleaned it out, she threw the old plants far from the buildings. She said one beet was so big she needed two hands to carry it.

  9. What a blessing — both your neighbors and Kaitlin!

  10. Cindi says:

    That looks like hard work!
    Well done Kaitlin!

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